What children at my school think about the courtyard Olivia Wallis Age 10
Introduction Why this topic? What is my research question? What is the courtyard? It is an outside area where we can grow things and sometimes where we learn. It is next to the Hawks classroom The Hawks are a year 5 and 6 class Why this topic? I wanted to do this topic to see what people thought about it I wanted to find out who people thought the courtyard should belong to, what should be in it, and who should look after it. What is my research question? What do children at my school think about the courtyard?
Methodology Who were my participants? I handed out my questionnaire to Key Stage 2 children at my school I handed out about 50 questionnaires I got 18 back I chose these children because I thought they would be able to read the questionnaire, as younger children might not understand the words. What methods did I use? I collected my data using a questionnaire I used a mix of open and closed questions For the closed questions I analysed them by drawing a tally chart For my open questions I analysed them by using coding. I typed up all of my answers and trimmed them individually. Then I sorted them out into groups which had the same theme. My research project took 5 months.
Ethical Issues To make sure the questionnaire was anonymous I made sure people did not put their names on it. I made sure that the questionnaires were confidential by keeping them in a locked cupboard. I made sure that I didn’t put complicated words in, so people could understand it.
Findings Question 3 This shows that 9 people said that everyone should use it. However of the 6 Hawks girls asked, 5 said the courtyard should belong to Hawks This might be because they want it all for themselves, without the younger children
What do you think we should use the courtyard for? Question 4 What do you think we should use the courtyard for? Coding category Examples of answers Playtime More play equipment – water fountain for drinking. Mabie on nice days at break time... each class can play games...we will need seating Quiet area Quiet time, Reflection Gardening area Eating food When it’s hot, eat our food out there. Outside learning Discovering new things about nature. Outdoor learning, free time Growing plants and vegetables Fruit patch Gardening area for plants and things like that. This shows that a lot of people have different opinions about what they want to use the courtyard for
Question 5 Amount of children This shows that most people do want seating in the courtyard. They might want seating in the courtyard because when it’s a hot day they could sit in the courtyard.
Question 6 This shows that a big majority said that they would like plants in the courtyard. Maybe this is because they would like it to smell nice or look pretty.
If yes, what type of plants would you like? Question 7 If yes, what type of plants would you like? Coding category Examples of answers Flowers More flowers Fruit + Veg Fruit plants Fruit and veg Trees More small plants and trees A small tree mabie Colourful Colourful ones Bright, colourful ones Other I don't know. A range of different. This shows that there were a lot of different opinions about what should be planted in the courtyard. However a lot of people said they would like fruit and veg. Maybe because this is because they want to be healthy.
Question 8 This shows that there are a lot of people willing to help look after the courtyard. 11 children out of 18 said they would help.
What would you be willing help with? Question 9 What would you be willing help with? Coding category Examples of answers Construction Decorating. Construction of seating Watering Watering the plants. Watering plants Cleaning and tidying Dry the seats. Keeping it tidy. Planting Plant them. Planting Everything Everything. All of it
Do you have any suggestions about the courtyard? Question 10 Do you have any suggestions about the courtyard? Coding category Examples of answers No suggestion No. Not really. Other Make it neater I think abit messy. like I said before I think and possibly make it into a garden. Chairs, tables Working table. We could have deck chairs and a table in the courtyard. This shows that there are some other suggestions that people have, such as chairs and tables. Maybe this would be good to work at.
Conclusion What I found out Out of 18 people, 9 said that everyone should be able to use the courtyard. Of the 6 Hawks girls asked, 5 said that just the Hawks should use it My research has found out that a lot of people would like some more seating in the courtyard. 14 out of 18 people said this. I also found that a lot of people would be willing to help with the courtyard. How did my project go? I think it went quite well, because I found out everything that I wanted to find out If I did it again I would try and hand it out to more people so I got more questionnaires back.
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