Using Cartoons
Contents 1.Why using cartoons 2.Example of cartoon strip 3.How to create cartoons 4.Tips for creating cartoons 5.Interesting links
1. Why using cartoons Humor can be used Simplifies matter A large audience can be reached Visuals explain complex situations in a simple way Using pictures/illustrations makes the content more alife
2. Example of cartoon strip The following example is a part of a cartoon about the water management in the Ziway-Abiyata Basin in Ethiopia.
This strip is used as communication tool to learn about the analysis of the water management in the Ziway - Abiyata basin. Research has been carried out and the conclusions of this research were represented in the srip. For the whole strip, open the PDF document by clicking the following link: Strip album Ethiopia
3. How to create cartoons (1) There are numerous ways to create cartoons: drawing them on the computer with editing programs or drawing with pen and paper. A combination of these is often used. Decide which characters are going to play a role in your strip. Ask questions like: What types are they, what will they look like, what function do they have etc. Create a storyboard. This is an overview of the illustration/texts you use. You can use pen and paper for this, but using PowerPoint might be usefull. Each slide will represent one picture of your final strip.
3. How to create cartoons (2) Once the storyboard is finished, you can start with creating the strip. If you want to draw your illustrations/characters by hand, you can later digitalize them, by scanning the pictures. (Tip: you can even make the drawing black and white and fill it with colours by using an editing program like Paint or Photoshop) In editing programs you will also be able to insert pictures.
4. Tips on creating cartoons (1) Repeating important parts will make your audience memorize the material better. In the example cartoon this is carried out by letting the student ask the teacher questions and repeating it. (See picture)
4. Tips for creating cartoons (2) Clarifying material by asking questions is another method to keep the material remembered. It is also a way to create some rest in the story by not rushing directly to new explanations.
4. Tips for creating cartoons (3) Choose cultural neutral characters. In different cultures different customs are normal. Think about this before you choose your characters. Use simple language Use real pictures. This gives a good visual explanation on local situations.
Interesting links Large amount of cartoons available (you can search on topic) Example of cartoons (and other interactive elements) on groundwater situation in Guanajuato, Mexico. Tips on how to make cartoons with a white board and a camera