SE-308 Software Engineering-II 7th Term SE University of Engineering & Technology Taxila, Pakistan Software Engineering Department
Instructor Information: Engr. Fawad Riasat Raja Phone: Office Hours:11:00 am – 01 pm (Monday & Wednesday) (Or by appointment) Role Teaching and Assessment Expectation Students are encouraged to read the material before the class Students must always read the covered material after the class Grades are the responsibility of the student.
Course Information: Course: Software Engineering-II Class Time: 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM (Room # 02) Text Book: Software Engineering (7 th Edition) By: Sommerville. Object Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns and JAVA (2 nd Edition) By: Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit
Syllabus Catalog Course Description: The software development process; Software requirements and specification; Software design; Software verification and validation; Software management; Software tools.
The objectives of this course are: To understand the importance of software engineering to computer science and the most important general approaches to structuring the software production process; To analyse the requirements for a software system and produce a software design (including user interface) from requirements; To use formal specification techniques to aid the specification process; To appreciate the benefits and difficulties of performing software engineering in a group, including the development of requirements and design documents and interaction with a client; To understand how reliability, reusability, verification and validation are vital concerns for any software engineering effort; To understand the important issues for managing and supporting the software engineering process at both the group and individual level
Grading Policy Assignments 5 Quizzes(announced) 5 Quizzes(Suparized) 5 Attendance 10 Final Exam 50 Lab Work/Project 25 (distribution will be described in the lab) External Viva 25
General Policies Submit your own work unless the assignment is specifically identified as a collaborative one. Participation in the class is strongly encouraged and will be considered in the grading. All assignments must be submitted on the due date. No late submission is allowed. No make up exams or quizzes will be given.
Methodology The course will be two 45-minutes classes a week, a total of 32 lectures. It will be used for lectures, exams and assignments discussion. We will spend enough time for every topic such that it will be covered thoroughly. Examples will be done in the class. PowerPoint Slides will be used to save the time of writing. Quizzes, homework and programming assignments will be given to complement what the student learns in the lecture. This material will be available in the course web page. To do well, the student must study and read the material explained in the class before attending the next class. This will help the student in understanding the material on time and also help him in asking related questions immediately. It will be better if the student can read the material before the class.
Rules & Regulations Attendance is very important. Attendance is taken at the beginning of the class. Every two late attendance is considered one absence. Repeated late attendance is not permitted. A 0.5 mark will be deducted for every absence after the fourth absence. Official excuse for any absence of a class must be presented not later than a week after that class. Students must know and read the regulations. No makeup of quizzes or exams will be done. A student missing any of these with an official excuse, his marks will be adjusted accordingly.
Cheating is not acceptable at any level, (Homework, Quizzes, exams and projects). Plagiarism, copying and other anti- intellectual behavior are prohibited. Violators may have to face serious consequences. Rules & Regulations (contd)
Expectation The student is expected to interact with the instructor on a frequent basis and review the difficulties he is facing and get the material clarified. Such an effort will bring the student back to the flow of course; otherwise he will lag behind and even the new material will become difficult to follow. Reading assignments will be given on a regular basis. The student is expected to read the assigned portions in order to gain the most out of the class.
Tips to the Students In order to do well in this course the following points are to be noted and considered in your planning: Your attitude to learn and the effort you put in for this course alone will be the primary agents that guide you in this course. Emphasis is on reasoning and planned & regular work towards this course and not on memorization. Taking notes is important. Once you take a note of what you consider to be important bits and pieces of information, write it down in your notes. On the same day after the class, review the relevant material and then prepare detailed notes. Such regular recollection, review, revision, and documentation will turn out to be very important in grasping the material and doing well in quizzes and examinations. Regular interaction during the class & during the instructor's office hours is encouraged. There is nothing like a silly question. By raising doubts and posing questions, you will be helping yourself, others in the class, and the instructor in steering the coverage towards the weak points. So keep one thing in mind during this course: “ it is better to raise a doubt or pose a question, rather than suppressing it and face difficulties later on.
Tips to the Students (Cont). Reading, written & programming assignments as well as quizzes, projects & examinations are part and parcel of the course. They are expected to supplement the coverage in the class/lab. So treat them that way instead of facing them just as tests for evaluating your performance. There is no substitute for a regular (daily) preparation for this course. It will be far less effective, even if you spend two times more effort just before the examination days. Good luck and best wishes for a good semester.