Physical Computing 12/24/2009
緣起 AAQL 優質生活空間國科會整合性計畫 飆機器人 ArtsIT 2009 數位藝術國際研討會ArtsIT 2009
ArtsIT 2009 互動藝術展
使用感測裝置 WiiMote (see Johnny Lee’s webpage)Johnny Lee’s webpage Web camera (video sensor) Touch panel 壓力感測 麥克風 (audio sensor) 其他
感測器種類 (1/2)
感測器種類 (2/2)
感測器特性 體積小 模組化 價格低廉 ( 相對 ) 可透過 controller board 連接電腦進行資 料交換 互動裝置與藝術方面之應用
Physical Computing In the broadest sense, means building active and interactive physical systems by the use of software and hardware that can sense and respond to the analog world. In practical use, the term most often describes handmade art, design or DIY hobby projects that use sensors and microcontrollers to translate analog input to a software system, and/or control electro- mechanical devices such as motors, servos, lighting or other hardware.DIYsensors microcontrollerssoftware systemelectro- mechanicalmotorsservos lighting
Physical Computing Devices and Systems Electronic Mechanical Active Interactive Applications Visual Art Theater Performance New Media
New Interface Paradigm
Microcontroller A (little) computer, with memory provisions for input provisions for output central processing unit (CPU) Embedded Stand-alone Ubiquitous Ideal platform for interactive design
Physical Computing Architectures
Physical Computing Projects Some past course projects Some videos on YouTube THE DEMOS 網站THE DEMOS 網站 Can you help find some? Can you come up with some ideas for physical computing projects?
Development Platform Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.Arduino It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Wiki 中文Wiki 中文
Resources Books Tom Igoe and Dan O'Sullivan, Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers, J. Noble, Programming Interactivity: A Designer's Guide to Processing, Arduino, and openFrameworks, 踏進互動科技世界 : 使用 Arduino, 踏進互動科技世界 : 使用 Arduino, 2009 Courses mp/ mp/