+ Partners in Education LIBERTY ISD
Skyward, Inc. a leading administrative software provider, welcomes you to the original, PaC™ Family Access site. Skyward dedicates this site to parents who want to be even more involved with their child’s education.
With PaC™ Family Access you now have the capabilities to review your child’s progress with just a “Point and Click.” Parents, like you, now have access to students’ attendance, grades, class scheduling, food-service family balance and discipline records.
UserName and Password You should have received a UserName and password at your child’s registration UserName looks like this (zeros on end): LastnameFirstname000 Password looks something like this S34BZ233
If you do not have a UserName or password Parent’s must pick up login and password at their student’s school. For Security Reasons, you will be asked to come in person to pick up the information. Once you get your UserName and password, keep it in a secure place.
Getting Started Go to
On left hand side of click “Skyward - Family Access ”
Enter the username and password, then click Login studentdad000 ●●●●●●●● Enter UserName with Zeros Enter Password exactly as given
Select the student you want to view Grading JOE STUDENTLIBERTY HS Class Progress Report JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS Grading JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS Class Progress Report JOE STUDENT BARBERS HILL HIGH SC Class Assignments JOE STUDENT BARBERS HILL HIGH SC Class Assignments JOE STUDENT BARBERS HILL HIGH SC Grading JOE STUDENT BARBERS HILL HIGH SC Student's GPA JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS Grade Comments JOE STUDENTLIBERTY HS Grading JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS Class Progress Report JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS Class Assignments JOE STUDENT LIBERTY HS All of your students will be Accessible from the same Login. Just choose which one You want to view John Student Jane student Sue student
Select the report you want to view Choose which report you want to view John Doe Jane Doe
Login History LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Class Progress Report LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Grading LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Grade Comments LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Student's GPA LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Grading BARBERS HILL HIGH SC JOE STUDENT Class Assignments BARBERS HILL HIGH SC JOE STUDENT Class Assignments LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Class Progress Report LIBERTY HS JOE STUDENT Grading BARBERS HILL HIGH SC JOE STUDENT Class Progress Report BARBERS HILL HIGH SC JOE STUDENTGrading Date, Time and location from which last login occurred These are the reports that were viewed during the last login
Attendance: You can see your child’s attendance by date
Attendance: You can see your child’s attendance by day
Attendance: You can see your child’s attendance totals
Class Schedules: You can see your child’s schedule by class CLICK ON TEACHERS NAME TO THEM.
Class Schedules: You can see your child’s schedule by term and period Click on Teacher’s name To send message
Food Service: View your child’s current account information Catherine Doe
Food Service: View your child’s payment history No Payments were made by ANY STUDENT for ANY STUDENT in this cafeteria: MS ANY STUDENT CATHERINE DOE
Food Service: View what your child buys and spends each day
Discipline: View your child’s discipline record LIBERTY HS
Discipline: View disciplinary actions taken with your child LIBERTY HSJOHN BROWN
Click on Green Icon To see current six weeks graded assignments for the class Grading: Report Card shows classes and teachers. Classes & Teachers Terms & Semesters
Grading: Each Class has its own information Joe Student
Grading: Each Class has its own information on grade categories, points, and percent of total grade
Please Note: If an assignment is shown, but no grade is indicated, the teacher probably has not graded the assignment. Once the teacher enters the grade, it will show for the assignment.
Click on Missing Assignments for tasks missing from that class
Choose Student Information from the Main menu to access information such as Student Name, address, phone, Emergency contacts, Etc.
Choose Health Information from the Main menu to access Health, vaccination, testing, and Other medical information about The student
Skyward provides integrated management solutions for the K-12 environment throughout the US. We are committed to helping schools run more efficiently and to providing resources for parents to become more informed and involved in their children's education. With Skyward, there is NO LIMIT!