©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential Contractor Management Peter Jolly Director HSE AL JABER Group
©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential AD EHSMS RF Systematic approach; obligation to ensure contractors perform work in a safely Features: Principal Contractor, Contractor management process Requirements for Risk Management, Training, Communication and Consultation Element 03 Establishment of Project HSE Requirements Evaluation / Selection Contractual Agreement Co-ordination and Communication Mobilization / Work in Progress Monitoring Performance Commissioning Demobilization / Decommissioning & Close-Out Requirements; Tender HSE specification; TG 4.0 Detailed SOW, hazards and risks, minimum HSE requirements Legal compliance, risk management programs, HSE resources, HSE performance monitoring & incident reporting, competency, non-compliance & enforcement procedure COP 53.1 HSE CMP 4.5 Sub-Contractor Risk Assessments & Method Statements MANUAL 4.5 Management of Contractors Review and Approval Process
©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential Contractor Management Oil & Gas Sector Challenges Contractor management process The quality of contractors Contractors HSE standards Contractors HSE Policies Contractors HSEMS HSE Planning & coordination Communication Safe systems of work - compliance Pitfalls to avoid Paper exercise Meetings, letters, claims Accept Contractors (as is) Accept Contractors Demand Contractor produces HSEMS Minimal inclusion Poor record keeping Lack of enforcement
©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential Contractor Management Within the Group Internal contractors Apathy “they are not Contractors” “we are all AL JABER” “HSE is their responsibility” Legal compliance? Poor prequalification processes Poor contractor management Disparity in HSE standards Poor HSEMS/implementation Lack of coordination & monitoring Unsafe systems of work Lack of continual improvement Costs CultureIssues/Consequences External contractors Apathy “we pay them to do a good/safe job” “HSE is their responsibility”
©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential Contractor Management Solutions? Mobilization stage Communication with Contractors Engage; foster teamwork Communication with client separately Monitoring Lead; internally then externally Assign single points of contact Measure & report performance Close-out Successes & failures/costs! Bidding & Prequalification Stage Doc review/gap analysis Audit ‘fit for purpose’; HSEMS review, KP interviews, facilities, plant and equipment, transportation, accommodation Set HSE standards; HSE COP, fill gaps, bridge Remember 2nd, 3rd Tiers etc. Planning Stage Integrate; communications, objectives, meetings, training, monitoring
©2014 Al Jaber Group - Private and Confidential Contractor Management Role of the HSE Professional Documentation Embed Contractor Management in your HSEMS Consider Contractor HSE CoP ID & deliver the HSE specification Management Strong personal HSE leadership Get involved with the bid & prequalification process per project Start Contractor management internally Embed Contractor engagement in HSE Plans & programs Control Assign single points of contact/coordinators Site Prep, Construction, Pre/Commissioning & HSE Site monitoring Actively engage Contractors in your programs Performance Reporting Capture & feedback lessons learned Recognize successes/failures Quantify injuries, damage & down time