Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20151 MRKT 472-MARKETING RESEARCH Dr. Ugur Yucelt School of Business Administration Spring 2002 Room E316 MW:3:30-4:45 p.m...
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20152 TEXT BOOKS n Required Text: Burns, Alvin and Ronald F. Bush Marketing Research (Third Edition), Prentice-Hall, 2000.Burns, Alvin and Ronald F. Bush Marketing Research (Third Edition), Prentice-Hall, n Optional Texts: G.R.Jarboe. Survey Research Project Manual (Fourth Edition), West Publishing, 1999.G.R.Jarboe. Survey Research Project Manual (Fourth Edition), West Publishing, Jeremy Foster. Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows, Sage, 2001.Jeremy Foster. Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows, Sage, 2001.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20153 SUPPLEMENTS n SPSS for Window Made Simple. n Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. n Constructing effective Questionnaires. n Writing Business Research Report. n Designing and Conducting Survey Research. n Multivariate Data Analysis.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20154 COURSE DESCRIPTION n Collection, processing, analysis and interpretation of information. n Practical and theoretical applications and aligned with scientific, scholarly and logical truth. n Covers research process, questionnaire design, sampling, data collection, coding, research methodology, interpretation, report writing and presentation. n MRKT 370- Principles of Marketing
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20155 COURSE OBJECTIVES n Introduce field of marketing research. n Develop problem analysis and decision making skills. n Increase familiarity with the biases and limitations of marketing data. n Show benefits of research models/techniques. n Develop experiences in applying research techniques to current marketing problems. n Through experiences, help to understand the usefulness/power of the computer.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20156 EXAMINATIONS n Two classroom examinations (1 hour and fifteen minutes each). n Multiple choice questions. n Theory, applications, concepts and definitions. n Send , if you have any question. n Review chapters on weekly basis. n Use course Web for class lectures.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20157 ASSIGNMENTS n Two exams: Entire class time.Entire class time. Multiple choice questions.Multiple choice questions. It is not comprehensiveIt is not comprehensive n Comprehensive group project. n Cases. n SPSS software
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20158 SOME DETAILS ABOUT COURSE PROJECT n Opportunity to learn how to do marketing research. n A Two/three person group. n Selection of a group leader who is responsible about group’s functions. Group leader has the right to purge the member at any time. n Write 3 or 4 pages proposal not later than the 4 th week of this semester. n In lieu of final exam, presentation of your project is required.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/20159 SOME DETAILS ABOUT COURSE PROJECTS (CONT.) n Topics must be related to a product/company or service industries. n Each group is responsible for drawing up questionnaire, data collection and analysis and writing conclusion and managerial implications. n SPSS software must be used for data analysis. n Final report will be 15 pages excluding appendix. Reports will not be returned; therefore, make your own copy.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ SOME DETAILS ABOUT COURSE PROJECT (CONT.) n Final report will be presented in class. Presentations will take min. and each member should wear business like suit/dress.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ A TYPICAL OUTLINE OF YOUR PROJECTS n Title n Table of Contents n Brief Introduction of the company/product. n Research objectives/hypothesis/- questions. n Methodology: Questionnaire DesignQuestionnaire Design Sampling PlanSampling Plan Data Collection MethodData Collection Method Method used in the AnalysisMethod used in the Analysis
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ A TYPICAL OUTLINE OF YOUR PROJECT (CONT.) n Findings: FrequenciesFrequencies Hypothesis TestingHypothesis Testing ResultsResults Conclusion/RecommendationConclusion/Recommendation n Bibliography/References
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ POSIBBLE DUE DATES FOR YOUR PROJECT (CONT.) n Topic selection and proposal submission – Week IV. n Design questionnaire/approval – Week VII. n Collect data/data entry – Week IX, n Analysis of data – Week XI n Project completion – Week XIII. n Final reviews/presentations – Week XIV and XV. n Final report due –Week XV.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ CASE ASSIGNMENTS AND DISCUSSIONS n Short cases from the chapters. n Answer the questions at the end of each case. n Class discussion is required. n Written answers and class discussion are required from the three cases (see the syllabus).
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ OTHER REQUIREMENTS n PEER REVIEW: Evaluate each other at the end of this semester.Evaluate each other at the end of this semester. –Following evaluation scale will be used: A: group member did much more than his/her share.A: group member did much more than his/her share. B: group member did somewhat more than his/her share.B: group member did somewhat more than his/her share. C: group member did exactly his/her share.C: group member did exactly his/her share. D: group member did somewhat less than his/her share.D: group member did somewhat less than his/her share. F: group member did much less than his/her share.F: group member did much less than his/her share. n ATTENDANCE: Part of participation/contribution to the course.Part of participation/contribution to the course. Attendance is expected, and periodically checked. on weekly basis.Attendance is expected, and periodically checked. on weekly basis.
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ OTHER REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) n MAKE-UP EXAMS: Please inform me about a personal problem if you cannot take the test. No make-up otherwise.Please inform me about a personal problem if you cannot take the test. No make-up otherwise. n ACEDEMIC INTEGRITY
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ GRADING n Exam I……………………….25% n Exam II………………………25% n Project/presentations/- contribution/Peer Review…35% contribution/Peer Review…35% n Cases/participation/- contribution…………………15% contribution…………………15%
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ GRADING POLICY 94 AND UP…………..A ……………….A ……………….B ……………….B ……………….B ……………….C ……………….C ………………..D Below 60………………F
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ TIME TABLE FOR COURSE PROJECT n Week 1-3 Topic selection n Week 4 Proposal due n Week 7 Questionnaire Design and approval approval n Week 9 Collect data and data entry n Week 11 Analysis of collected data n Week 13 Completion of project n Week 14 Presentations n Week 15 Presentations / Report Due
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ OUTLINE OF THE COURSE n Weeks 1-3 Chapters 1-4 n Week 4 Proposals Due Chapter 5-6 Chapter 5-6 n Week 5 Chapter 7/Case I due n Week 6 Exam I n Week 7-8 Chapters 9-10 Spring Break(March 4-8) Spring Break(March 4-8)
Penn State University, School of Business Administration 10/1/ OUTLINE (CONT.) n Week 9 Chapter 11/Case II due n Week 10 Chapter 12 n Week Chapters 13-16/Exam II n Week 13 Chapters 17/ Case III due n Week 14 Project Presentations n Week 15 Project Presentations/Project Due Due