A cceptable U se P olicy A student’s guide to using technological tools safely and responsibly. Please see BOE Policy #7314 and Regulation #7314R * This presentation is not intended to take the place of reading and understanding the actual board policy and regulation documents.
What is an Acceptable Use Policy?
There is a Difference Using Technology at Home Using Technology at School “All use of the District’s network must be in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the Southwestern School District.”
Different Expectations of Privacy Student data files and other electronic storage areas will be treated like school lockers. This means that such areas shall be considered to be Southwestern Central School District property and subject to control and inspection. Students should NOT expect that information stored on the DCS will be private.
An Important Question... What kind of digital footprints are you creating?
Guidelines for Acceptable Use Please see BOE Policy #7314 and Regulation #7314R *This presentation is not intended to take the place of reading and understanding the actual board policy and regulation documents.
Demonstrate Good Digital Citizenship Do not use the DCS to obtain, view, download, send, print, display or otherwise gain access to or to transmit materials that are unlawful, obscene, pornographic or abusive. Do not use obscene or vulgar language. Do not harass, insult, bully, threaten, or attack others.
Do not use a digital device (such as cell or camera phones), electronic technology and/or media to facilitate cheating, plagiarism, etc. Do not create or use a website or blog which may cause a “substantial disruption” in the school environment or interfere with the rights of others. Do not access personal, interactive sites unless under the direct supervision of a staff member. This includes the use of a student’s personal cell phone or digital device to access such social networking sites. Demonstrate Good Digital Citizenship
Keep the DCS Safe Do not damage, disable or otherwise interfere with the operation of computers, computer systems, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means. Do not use unauthorized software on the DCS.
Keep the DCS Safe Do not allow dangerous or inappropriate files to be downloaded. Report any security problems or questionable material to your teacher.
Keep the DCS Secure Do not change, copy, rename, delete, read or otherwise access files or software that were not created by you without express permission from the computer coordinator. Possession of hacking software will be grounds for disciplinary action. Do not disclose your password or use another student’s password. Do not share personal information about oneself or any other individual over the internet (home address, telephone number, etc.).
Use the DCS for Its Intended Purpose Do not use the DCS for non-educational, commercial purposes, product advertisement or political lobbying
Potential Sanctions 1) Violations may result in suspension, restriction and/or revocation of student access to the DCS as determined in accordance with due process procedures.
Use the DCS for Its Intended Purpose Do not violate copyright law, including the illegal file sharing of music, videos, and software Do not transmit material, information or software in violation of any District policy or regulation, the District Code of Conduct, and/or federal/state and local law or regulation.
Potential Sanctions 2) Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in accordance with existing practices and procedures regarding inappropriate language or behavior, as well as federal, state, and local law.
Potential Sanctions 3) When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
Keeping It All in Perspective “...in support of education and research and consistent with the mission of the Southwestern School District.”
Acceptable Use Beyond School Employers have standards for acceptable use of technology too.