Homerton Children’s Centre IWB’s in the Early Years Harriet Price
Homerton Children’s Centre 2 Principles of using an IWB in the EYFS Use in the context of purposeful playConnect with experiences away from the IWB
Homerton Children’s Centre 3 Principles of using an IWB in the EYFS Relate the on-screen activities with real objects where possible
Homerton Children’s Centre 4 Principles of using an IWB in the EYFS Children should be in control Give children time to explore and problem solve, develop confidence
Homerton Children’s Centre 5 Principles of using an IWB in the EYFS Personalise the resources Encourage children to explain, discuss and describe their actions Involve parents in all of the possible uses of the IWB
Homerton Children’s Centre 6 Allowing children to engage positively in imaginative, active and social learning. Offering a visual means for demonstrating and exemplifying. Look for interactive learning practices which involve children in watching, listening, doing, constructing and creating. Using digital photographs. These can be used in many ways, can you suggest some? An IWB can enhance children’s learning by:
Homerton Children’s Centre 7 Try these web sites for using with the IWB Kaleidoscope painter Jigsaws Simple activities made by Crick software Numeracy and Literacy activities Create your own Spot story A huge range of activities from Kent Stories, rhymes and games BBC Numbertime PBS games, music and videos
Homerton Children’s Centre 8 Ideas for software to use with the IWB: 2Create a Story PowerPoint Tizzy’s First Tools - Present 2Paint a Picture 2Simple City Musical Leaps and Bounds Leaps and Bounds 3 Revelation Natural Art Smart Notebook
Homerton Children’s Centre 9 Use in conjunction with: Programmable toys and 2Go Software and websites: good quality on screen books, nursery rhymes and songs from around the world, art projects and recipes Use projector for silhouettes, puppet shows etc Web cams Digital cameras, movie maker, camcorder Microphone Microscope Calculators, Dice (on screen) Clocks (on screen) Role play (could be used as a backdrop to stimulate play e.g. space footage for a space station).
Homerton Children’s Centre 10 Tips: Make sure the board is installed low Fingers can get sticky, try finger puppets and paint brushes as an alternative Turn taking - Try using a magnetic board for adding names and an egg timer Cover lights on pen tray with blue tack when you want to remove the pens