IPEDS: Recent Changes & Future Challenges SAIR 2005 October 24, 2005 Charleston, SC
IPEDS Data Collection New for 2005–06
Human Resources Technical Review Panel (TRP) held last fall Suggestions were posted on IPEDS What’s New ( The following will be implemented in 2005–06:
One HR component Merge winter components (EAP, SA, S) into one component with three sections –Simplify reporting –Ensure data consistency and accuracy EAP will be the driver –Determine component sections using data reported on EAP –Carry forward data reported on EAP to subsequent sections as much as possible
Simplify, simplify Reorganize survey items –Provide more logical flow –For example, headcount information collected before salary intervals Restructure glossary and instructions –Single set of instructions for all 3 sections –Clearer definitions
Faculty Problem: inconsistent reporting of faculty Solution: –Use EAP to define and determine instructional staff –Eliminate current instruction for institutions to use their own definition of faculty; institutions must use IPEDS categories and definitions
S Medical + non-medical
Medical school Expand definition of "medical school" –Any school that grants an M.D. or D.O. Medical school pages –Include all employees affiliated with (housed with or under the authority of) the medical school –Do not include any employees in health disciplines not considered part of the medical school Provide caveats box to list disciplines included in the medical school pages
Also… Out –Faculty with less than 9-month contracts Continue to collect headcount Eliminate collection of salary and expenditure information In –Add ability to report staff without faculty status in the Fall Staff section so that numbers correspond with EAP section
And Finally… Add statement of purpose to beginning of instructions to communicate intent Provide FAQs Add question at the end to determine if there were any employees that were difficult to categorize or that were not reported (and why)
Finance Like Enrollment, available in both winter and spring Must be locked by end of spring collection
Finance 2 new clarifying questions: –Intercollegiate athletics (FASB + GASB) Are revenues and expenses accounted for as auxiliary enterprises or treated as student services? –Pell grants (FASB) Are Pell Grants accounted for as pass- through transactions or as federal grant revenues to the institution?
Data collection system Developing Excel file import formats for HR, F Available for collection cycle, starting with Winter collection
Collection Schedule 2005–06
Fall Collection Surveys Institutional Characteristics Completions Collection open September 7 Institution close October 19 Coordinator close November 2
Winter Collection Surveys Human Resources Enrollment (available) Finance (available) Collection openDecember 7 Institution closeJanuary 25 Coordinator closeFebruary 8
Spring Collection Surveys Enrollment Finance Student Financial Aid Graduation Rates Collection openMarch 8 Institution closeApril 19 Coordinator closeMay 3
Followup Schedule to KH (collection open) Open Letter to CEO (no reg KH) Close – 4wks to KH (no data) Close – 4wks Phone to CEO (no reg KH) Close – 3wks Phone to CEO/KH (no data) Close – 2wks to KH (no data) Close – 2wks to KH (not locked) Close – 2wks to KH (no data) Close – 1wk to KH (not locked) Close – 1wk
Noncompliance Update
Noncompliance IPEDS Fall Collection Survey Institutional Characteristics 7573 Completions19912
Noncompliance IPEDS Winter Collection Survey Employees by Assigned Position Fall StaffN/A11N/A Salaries5095
Noncompliance IPEDS Spring Collection Survey Enrollment6885 Graduation Rates Student Financial Aid Finance
FSA Noncompliance Actions Number of institutions fined, warned Fined 78 $1,241, $370, $175,500 Warned~ Total~
IPEDS 2006 and Beyond
OMB Clearance Next package will request clearance for through New items include:
Preliminary Early Estimate of Fall Enrollment 8 numbers – on IC –FT, PT enrollment Undergraduate First-time undergraduate Graduate First-professional Clearly identified as early estimates, so data can be different from what will be reported on EF
Preliminary Early Estimate of Fall Enrollment Level of Student Full timePart timeTotal UndergradRRCV First-time undergrad RRCV GraduateRRCV First- professional RRCV Grand total estimated Fall 2006 enrollmentCV R = reported value CV = calculated value. Totals will be generated from the detail provided by the institution.
Fall Enrollment Degree-granting institutions would get new column Divide Other degree/certificate- seeking undergraduate students into: –Transfers into the institution (first-time at institution) –Other degree/certificate-seeking students Full time and part time
Fall Enrollment – Transfers In Full-time undergraduate students Degree/certificate-seeking Non- degree/ non- certif- seeking Total First- time Trans- fers in Other Total R/E RRRCVR Total CV R = reported value; CV = calculated value
Human Resources Institutions with <15 full-time employees –Would do short Fall Staff section (collects data by primary occupational activity, by race/ethnicity and gender)
Race/Ethnicity YES SOON Depends on OMB clearance – check Federal Register
Possible impact of HEA
Current House Bill HR609 –(1) provide consumers with an easy-to- use, comprehensive web-based tool for researching and comparing institutions of higher education;(COOL) –(2) increase the transparency of college cost, price, and financial aid; and –(3) raise public awareness about pse, particularly among low-income families, non-traditional students, and first- generation college students.
How to do this-- Establish TRP to –Determine what is needed –Best way to collect data (considering burden and cost) –Determine comparability of data –Redesign COOL to display new data include sorting function/ better search mechanism
More requirements Publish data on COOL-- –Cost of attendance and SFA (we already do this) –Also net average price –Instructional expenditure per FTE –Enrollment data # and % FT/PT and resident/nonresident –Faculty / student ratios –Faculty & staff data (FT/PT) –Graduation and transfer rates
Links to institution Data should include –Mission –Accreditation –Student services –Transfer of credit policies –Placement rates and other measures of success
Also Requires College Affordability Index Ability to compare institutions in COOL
Current Senate Bill S1614 – to extend HEA –put on fast track last week (attached to budget cutting bill) –Includes much that will impact IPEDS
Possible New Requirements Ability to compare institutions in COOL ** (we’re already planning for this) 10 years of cost of attendance data on COOL, including average annual cost of attendance SFA data (we have this already) % students successfully transferring academic credit
More new data Data on students who complete –UG cert or degree and get job –UG degree and go to grad school Ranking of institutions showing –Dollar and % increases in tuition by quartiles All data will be made available for degree-granting institutions by control and level Assistance provided to institutions by each State
SAIR Session Tues 10/25, 9: :00 IPEDS: Alternatives to Unit Records Mary Sapp + Susan Broyles + Jan Plotczyk
Current projects of interest
First-professional degree classification SAIR Session –Mon 10/24, 2:15 - 3:00 –IPEDS First-professional Degree Programs: A Policy Update and Hearing –Ed Delaney + Susan Broyles
First-professional degree classification Technical Review Panel meeting –December 12-13, 2005 in DC –Attendance open to sponsored invitees PLUS other interested parties* –Limited seats available –Interested parties MUST register to reserve a seat
New institutional category variable Technical Review Panel meeting held last 2 weeks ago in DC Addressed issue of sector bleed, degree creep Watch for TRP summary to be posted soon
instcat Degree-granting Baccalaureate or above 1 - No baccalaureate 2 - Primarily bacc + above 3 - Other bacc granting 4 - Associate's + certificates Nondegree-granting 6 - Above bacc certificates 7 - Subbacc certificates
Combined data allocation Project to allocate combined IPEDS data among parent reporters and children Will make IPEDS data more usable Keyholders will be contacted for input
Webinars Assorted data collection topics Done live, then posted to AIR website In Sept, did 3 for new KHs Coming up: –Finance –HR –Student surveys
SAIR session Mon 10/24, 3:30 - 4:15 Getting IPEDS Data Back (software demo) Darline Morris + Susan Broyles + Jan Plotczyk DAS, Tables Library, Report Templates, ExPT
Questions? Susan Broyles Jan Plotczyk