Kuali Coeus (KRCA) Developers Bootcamp Jack Frosch – Kuali Foundation (Lead Developer) Bryan Hutchinson - Cornell (Development Manager)
Topics About Kuali Coeus Tools Coding Standards Introduction/Lesson Overview Lessons!
About Kuali Coeus (KRCA) Eight partner schools –Cornell, Indiana, Michigan State, MIT, Arizona, CSU, UC Davis, ISU Based on a MITs Coeus –Full Featured Research Admin suite –13+ years of development work –Still going! –Consortium model
More About KRCA First Release - July 2008 –Proposal Development –Budget –Grants.gov S2S Second Release –Awards –IRB/Human Participants –COI Beyond –Functional Parity with Coeus
Project/Development Tools Eclipse (eclipse.org) –Our primary development tool –Leading free and open source IDE –Pluggable architecture offers extensibility Maven (maven.apache.org) –Provides dependency management and lifecycle goals (like Ant tasks) Subversion –Source Code Management and Repository
Project/Development Tools Confluence ( –Wiki used for collaboration FishEye ( –Source code visualization Continuum (continuum.apache.org) –A Continuous Integration server Sakai –Group mailing lists
Project/Development Tools Cobertura (cobertura.sourceforge.net) –Test coverage and reporting –Can be run by developer and part of CI CheckStyle (checkstyle.sourceforge.net) –Code style verification tool –Can be run by developer and part of CI
Coding Standards Coding standards assist readability and maintainability Derived from –Past experience –The Elements of Java Style (“Little Green Book”)
Coding Standards Some Highlights –Favor readability over complexity –Methods should do one thing in < ~30 lines –Struts Actions and Forms should not have business logic –JavaDoc comments required –Tests required for non-trivial public, protected and default visibility methods
Coding Standards –Favor using Java 5 features where applicable –Bos must override equals() and hashCode() Let Eclipse write them for you –Constants must be used instead of literals, except for trivial loop indices, 0, 1, etc. –If in doubt, check out the Little Green Book See Confluence Topic: KCRA Coding Standards - Post Release 1.0
How Bootcamp Works High-level Overview of Concepts Discussion/Demo/Review of Code based on slides Exercises –Sample Application mimicking KRCA functionality Ask questions any time! Be engaged - You will get out what you put in!
Lesson Overview Day 1 –BOs / Maintenance Documents Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Day 2 –Transactional Documents Exercise 3 –Web Components - Struts, KNS custom tags Exercise 4
Lesson Overview Day 3 –Services Exercise 5 –Lists Exercise 6 –Rules Exercise 7 –Document Authorizer Exercise 8
Documents and BOs Kuali is “Document based” Two Types of Documents –Transactional Documents –Maintenance Documents
Transactional Documents Represent a business function –Apply for funds (by creating a proposal) –Manage Human Participants (by creating a protocol, amendment, etc…) Complex rules and approval process Lots of data Potentially long living Focus on Transactional Documents later in the week
Maintenance Documents Manage (create/alter) Reference Data What is “reference data” –In DB terms, it’s a table used by the entire system as a FK from other tables –People, Organizations, Units, Sponsors, etc… –What else would be reference data? Simple documents to perform CRUD operations
Business Objects Business Objects (BOs) are Java Beans –Properties –Getters/Setters Two categories –Reference Data (CRUD via Maint Docs) –Those used in Transactional Documents (Document Composition) Map to a single table in the DB
Spring Bean Data Dictionary (DD) Controls the behavior of BOs Defined in Spring Bean XML –Named like.xml E.g. AwardBeans.xml, BudgetBeans.xml –Inquiries and Lookups –Attributes - Properties of the BO UI Controls - Lookups, Maint Docs, Trans Docs Size & Shape Validation Required-ness
Database - OJB Kuali uses OJB as an ORM tool –OJB - ObJectRelationalBridge –ORM - Object-Relational Mapping Configure Write Java Code (not SQL) Related data elements are stored together Model complex database relationships
Using OJB OJB Repository XML Class Descriptor –Define the Java Class and the Table Name Field Descriptor –Java Property Name –Column Name –JDBC Type –Conversion (boolean to char, custom datatypes, etc…) –Primary Key –Optimistic Locking
OJB - Getting more advanced Model Relationships –Collection Descriptor –Reference Descriptor More on these later...
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 1
OJB - repository.xml Reference Descriptor –Relationships to Reference data –1:1 (Proposal:Sponsor) –Not saved/deleted when the related object is saved Collection Descriptor –Relationships where a parent can have many children –1:M (Proposal:Investigators; Investigator:Unit) –“Reverse Foreign Key” –Save with the Parent
Maintenance Docs How we manage Reference Bos XML based: MaintenanceDocument.xml –BO Class –Maintainable Class - API for customization –Business Rules - API to perform validation –Document Authorizer - Customize AuthZ for a doc –Document Type - Reference to KEW –Maintainable Section(s) and Item(s) - what and how attributes are presented –Attributes, Locking Key, Default Existence Checks…
Values Finders User to present a list of options in the UI –Drop-down –Radio Group Queries the database and returns a list of valid values PersistableBusinessObjectValuesFinder –80% - BO Class, Key/Label Attributes Names Custom Values Finders –20% - Extend KeyValuesBase, Implement KeyValuesFinder XML (DD) and Code (Class file)
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 2
Database - JPA Kuali is migrating to JPA/Hibernate for ORM –JPA: Java Persistence API –ORM: Object-Relational Mapping –Hibernate is the JPA Provider Configured in META-INF/persistence.xml and META-INF/orm.xml Object properties and relationships are modeled in BOs using JPA annotations
Using JPA Persistence.xml defines Persistence Units –Define a datasource; i.e. Oracle, MySQL –Provider properties; i.e. for Hibernate Orm.xml is used to –Declare global sequences –Declare entity mappings (i.e. when not using annotations –Declare lifecycle callback methods … and more
Using JPA JPA annotations on Indicates object is To name the Field(s) forming primary Field for optimistic To name the column, specify length (String data), precision and scale (numeric data), and other column data
Using JPA Id values are auto-generated by JPA Version field is used during updates to determine if record has been update (Optimistic Locking) KRCA uses Pessimistic Locking of its BO documents, so Optimistic Locking exceptions are rare events
JPA - Getting More Advanced Object relationship annotations are used to model relationships between An entity without a Included embedded entity columns in same One-to-one with Most frequent Uses intermediate join table
Transactional Documents Composed of a Document class and multiple BOs –Document Composition BOs have a reference to the Document class/table (FK Relationship) Transactional Document classes are special BOs –Super BOs with additional behavior
Transactional Document Similar to Maint Doc DD files –Add Attributes (since these are BOs) –No lookups (we use KEW for Doc Search) –No Inquiries Similar to other OJB mappings –Lots of relationships defined –Other mappings should not refer back to the Document class
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 3
Web stuff in Kuali/KRCA Struts –Pseudo MVC –Forms, Actions, Mappings Struts in Kuali –Heavily customized –Addresses common Struts anti-patterns –Simplifies development Single Action Mapping
Struts Action Classes Object Hierarchy for KRCA: -KraTransactionalDocument ----KualiTransactionalDocumentBase KualiDocumentActionBase KualiAction DispatchAction
Struts Form Classes Document is placed in the Form POJO Form Base handles type conversion Object Hierarchy for KRCA: -ProposalDevelopmentForm ----KualiTransactionalDocumentFormBase KualiDocumentFormBase KualiForm PojoFormBase ActionForm (Struts base form)
Building the UI JSPs/Custom Tags JSTL and JSP Expression Language –Preferable to Struts tags when possible Kuali Rice Tags –page.tag and documentPage.tag –tab.tag –documentControls.tag –htmlControlAttribute.tag
KRCA Custom Tags Build complex JSPs Maintainability Methodology is approximate, but in general: –1 JSP per page –Generally, 1.tag per panel on the page
HTMLControlAttribute.tag Replaces struts Uses Spring Bean entries to determine: –Type of control (text, drop-down, etc) –Length –Max Length Spring Bean Attributes
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 4
Services and DAOs Services: Implements Business Logic not in BOs –Perform a calculation; Save a Document Services are defined as Interfaces and Implemented as classes Spring manages the resolution of Interface to actual code - Spring Beans XML Accessing Services –Dependency Injection –Service Locator (KraServiceLocator) Data Access Objects - DAOs –Similar to Services, but have knowledge of the data model
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 5
Lists of Data Old stuff –JPA, BOs, Spring Beans, etc New stuff –Document changes Special getter Deletion Aware Lists –Action Form - Methods for add/delete –JSP/tag - Accessing properties of a list
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 6
Rules and Events Events - A way to evaluate a rule when an action occurs –Automatically invoked via frameworks (Save, Route, etc…) –Custom events (add or delete a BO from a list)
Rules Beyond size & shape validation from the DD DocumentRuleBase - Customize save/route/etc… rules Custom Rules - Implemented in Rules classes; Validate pretty much anything about the document; Return true/false
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 7
Error Messages Give context to errors –Display error messages on the appropriate panel –Highlight fields that have errors Generated from DD Generated from Rules classes
Audit Errors Similar to Error Messages Allows users to continue working on their document and defer validation until ready Errors and Warnings Provides a link to where the error is occurring
Document Authorizer Determine the level of access that a user has to the document –Read Only –Full Access –Somewhere in between Document Actions –What actions can a user take on a document –Implemented in JSPs via Who can initiate a document
Demo / Code Review
Exercise 8