Curriculum Standards in the SACSA Framework Module 7
Curriculum Standards in the SACSA Framework
The aim of this session is: To provide a common message about the Standards in the SACSA Framework To identify the implications of Standards for teachers in their work of assessing, reporting and monitoring learner achievement
This activity will consist of: Information about Standards Small group discussion of Standards related issues
The SACSA Framework is consolidating curriculum planning from an inputs focus to an Outcomes focus. A focus on Outcomes means being explicit about what we expect learners to know, understand and do as a result of their participation on an agreed curriculum framework.
Less Outcomes and strands, and being more explicit about them, will enable more equitable curriculum provision to all groups of learners. Explicit identification of intended Outcomes gives the community and learners information about what we value as professionals.
A focus on Outcomes and Standards makes it possible to answer with confidence ‘Am I being fair to the learners with whom I work; fair in the scope of teaching and learning programs, in my expectations of what they will achieve?’
The Curriculum Standards are described as fixed points of reference in graduated levels of achievement. Essential Learnings acknowledge we are necessarily involved in shaping people….they attend to social outcomes which are inclusive of all.
The Curriculum Scope and Standards describe broad spans of learning that enable educators to monitor progress from birth to year 12. Learner achievement data will be used by sites to inform their local planning and target setting.
In 2002 those sites who are involved with the first round roll out of software will receive backdrop data for use at the local level. It is everybody’s business to contribute to collecting learner achievement data, not just teachers of years 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
The Curriculum Standards in the SACSA Framework are described as fixed points of reference in graduated levels of achievement. The Developmental Learning Outcomes are NOT age aligned. External curriculum is quality assured at year 12 level by the accrediting authority under the Australian Qualifications Framework or equivalent.
Curriculum Standards are performance standards. The sum of all the outcomes in all strands in a learning area make up the standard for that learning area. Standards are not pass or fail standards.
Assessment, Reporting and Accountability learner BST Base line data Benchmarks SACE - WBLA Early Intervention Local site assessment - self - peer - check lists - running records etc. etc. SEA SummativeReports Behaviour School Card Aboriginal NESB ESL Attendance
Discussion Points 1.It is everybody’s business to contribute to the collection of learner achievement data, not just teachers of years 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. A recorder notes: u What currently happens at our site to facilitate this? u What hinders our ability to achieve this? u What additional action should be taken to facilitate this?
Discussion Points 2.Curriculum Standards are performance standards. They focus on improvement over time - not pass or fail. A recorder notes: u What currently happens at our site to facilitate this? u What hinders our ability to achieve this? u What additional action should be taken to facilitate this?