Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval WP8. Dissemination & Exploitation
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Introduction to Workpackage T 8.1 Deployment demonstrate & market use of enhanced access tools in real world sound archives T 8.2 Dissemination Covers wide range of activities concerning spreading and promoting project & outcomes T 8.3 Exploitation Exploitation Strategy Team develop commercialisation routes for EASAIER technologies define business plan road map for future development use and exploitation for project & outcomes monitor developments outside project
12 Month Review Meeting Project # WP8 Deliverables & Milestones Deliverables Month1- Public website & promotional brochure Month27- Demonstate deployed access tools in external archives Month30- Business plan Milestones Month08- Initial dissemination & use plan Month12- scientific publications, create Exploitation Strategy Team Month18- Dissemination & use plan incorporating IPR Strategy & Expert User Advisory Board feedback, deployment plan established Month21- Market watch & state of the art analysis Month24- Prototypes deployed, promotional kit, initial business plan
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Workpackage Progress Deliverables and Milestones complete Over 10 demonstrable prototypes Over 20 dissemination activities Over a dozen publishable results Many research visits, exchanges, collaboration discussions, submissions,… Expert User Advisory Board established Atleast 5 members Committed to deploying the EASAIER system
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Promotional Resources Presentations Poster/flyer Brochures Logos Acknowledgement statements
12 Month Review Meeting Project # IST 2006 Attendance by ALL, SILOGIC, QMUL Partner presentations Showcase software Looping/Marking Beat-Tracking Time-stretching Music Retrieval Discussions with expert users
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Exploitation Strategy Team and Business Plan Explore ways of exploiting project outcomes & IP Initial dissemination & use plan devised by month 8 Revised throughout project inputs from Exploitation Strategy Team feedback from Expert User Advisory Board market watch & state of the art Business Plan Product & services to be exploited Team in charge of exploitation Market analysis Marketing plan Risk assessment Financial plan and scenario analysis
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Contributions and Connections with Other Workpackages All workpackages and partners have contributed dissemination activities Publications & presentations which represent whole project or many aspects involved contributions from several partners and WPs Posters and presentation templates provided for partners Standard text provided for acknowledgment and project description
12 Month Review Meeting Project # Upcoming Work Plan - Months Encourage publication of more results Target retrieval, digital libraries, audio conferences Journal publications Participate in international evaluation conferences Establish workshop(s) M18- Dissemination & use plan IPR Strategy Expert User Advisory Board feedback deployment plan established M21- Market watch & state of the art analysis M24- Prototypes deployed, promotional kit, initial business plan