Centre for Learning Innovation Presentation to TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute, May 2009
Numeracy issues Source: ‘Who Needs Pythagoras’ Theorem’
Distance issues Source: ‘Route 66’
Work-based delivery Source: ‘Arts Welding’
Revision activities Source: ‘Annotated Desk’
Problem Solving Source: ‘Working together’
Communication Source: ‘Old British telephones’
Green Skills Source: CLI –
Some Decisions
CLI IntranetLAWLRR CLICKS CLI Internet Sites 2 SeeCLASETISLearncastTaLe CLI products and services
■a portal that enables teachers to locate resources for their specific teaching area. ■Over 4,000 digital, multimedia-rich resources ■TaLe also includes the parents’ portal ■watch this Presentation on TaLe features: ■watch this Presentation on searching with TaLe TaLe
Some examples
CLAS is a web based tool to assist teachers thinking about using technology in their practice It includes: ■video interviews with teachers ■a self assessment tool ■suggestions and resources CLAS
Prepare for e-learning: ■a resource for students ■a resource for teachers ■introduction to e-learning tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS ■includes interviews, tutorials and practice activities e-learning
Build a resource collection
Build a resource collection: ■series of tutorials ■searching for resources with TaLe ■downloading resources ■collating resources ■creating a navigable student CD Build a resource collection
Learncast: ■CLI way to view videos and associated teaching materials ■based on a topic eg technology based evidence collection Learncast
Social e-learning
Your Guide to Social e-learning: ■resource on using popular Web 2.0 tools ■includes case studies, learning guides and sample activities ■tools include blogs, wikis, web conferencing, podcasting and social bookmarking Social e-learning
Learning Activity Wizards
■tools (templates) to build your own interactive online activities ■include matching, drag & drop, quizzes and sequencing Learning Activity Wizards
Learning Reference Repository
■place to search for resources ■can deposit records of resources ■can catalogue locally produced resources Learning Reference Repository
■is a social bookmarking site ■operates behind the DET firewall ■uses your DET ID CURLS
Where to from here? Faculty & College mentors Teaching & Learning Initiatives regularly search for new resources try a technology which addresses an issue find a buddy share ideas and questions
35 Thanking you Grant Casey