Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Tool development report H. Brugman MPI Nijmegen
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Overview IMDI Tools – update and future ELAN – update and future Conversion tools Custom solutions Tool distribution over internet (Archive software – already discussed) Lexicon – activities and future typology – activities and future demo of selected features
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics IMDI Tools IMDI Metadata set (latest version 3.02) IMDI-BCEditor New single window user interface Substructures repository Drag and drop interface Support for Closed Vocabularies Display of metadata descriptions in HTML Printing Different CV update policies coming soon Support for different fonts Support for subdomain/project profiles
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics IMDI Tools - 2 IMDI-BCBrowser support for CVs display metadata descriptions as HTML printing password-protected access to resources using http authorization protocol different CV update policies
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics IMDI Tools - 3 IMDI-BCSearchTool XML-DB support (under construction) for faster search for ‘google’ type search IMDI-CVEditor prototype ready IMDI-BCTreeBuilder (under construction) IMDI-BCTreeModifier / spreadsheet view (planned)
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ELAN release 1.2 (oct 2002) Automatic creation of a backup copy when first saving a document. Exporting as a tab-delimited text. Import/export between Elan and Shoebox, allowing time alignment in ELAN and interlinearization in Shoebox. The Interlinear Viewer. Color coding to visualize tier hierarchies.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ELAN - 2 Slider for playing at rates between 5 and 200%. More specific dependency relations between tiers using constraints. Support for two modes of annotation, Overwrite and Bulldozer modes. Entering annotations via the Inline Edit box Subdividing annotations (entering annotations before/after existing annotations) Modifying annotations in Grid Viewer. Improved search options regular expression search combination of multiple subqueries.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ELAN - 3 release 1.3 (april 2003) workarounds for JMF (Java Media Framework) bugs optimization and improved playback of viewers. ELAN is now substantially less demanding on CPU usage. save shoebox imported file to eaf import wac (word annotation converter) files save wac imported files to eaf XML improvements (other parser, validation, formatted XML)
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ELAN - 4 an autosave function is added shoebox import: SIL IPA characters are now converted to Unicode during import an 'active tier' item is added to the right mouse menu in the time line viewer panels do not resize unexpectedly any more after edit operations the JMF media controller is replaced by a single 'play' button a number of small improvements and bug fixes
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics ELAN - 5 upcoming releases version 1.4 (april 2003) “select while playing” Quicktime as alternative for JMF also for the Mac version 2.0 (oct 2003) complete revision, focusing on user interface modularity time accuracy speed and efficiency
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Conversion tools Word Interlinear text Transcriber.trs (xml) WAC (xml) EAF (xml) Shoebox (t in ref) Shoebox (t separate) WAC ELAN econv ELAN
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Custom solutions custom conversion scripts (e.g. Word lexicon to XML, then to Shoebox) custom XSLT transformations scripts for merging annotation docs with time docs
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Tool distribution over the internet Network launching using Webstart Advantages: full control over all versions of all components needed to run some tool components can be automatically updated Disadvantages: initial download takes long over slow connections users want to decide when to update What are your experiences?
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Lexicon – activities and future extensive analysis done first design done. We propose to build: a flexible lexicon tool were users can define their own lexicon structure and content a matching generic XML lexicon format “Shoebox+” lexicon tool functionality can be used in interaction with ELAN active participation in international discussions, e.g. ISO workshop on Lexicon structures.
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Typology project initiatives