“Gathering And Utilizing Perkins Data For Program Improvement “Gathering And Utilizing Perkins Data For Program Improvement Alan Shotts and Toni Decklever Alan Shotts and Toni DeckleverWyoming
How States Assess Performance Data for Perkins Nat’l/State/Local Assessment systems-30 States GPA in Occupation Subjects-9 States Program completion-8 States Course Completion-7 States Report prepared for National Research Center for Career & Technical Education
Three types of Assessment Systems National Assessment System State developed, occupationally specific, end of course or program State developed, occupationally generic, end of program Report prepared for National Research Center for Career & Technical Education
Wyoming chose to develop our own system Occupationally generic Based on SCANS Skills Rubrics were developed by CTE teachers, administrators & Wyo. Dept. of Educ.
WyCTA Wyoming’s answer to the federal “you must assess” requirement. Stands for Wyoming Career Technical Assessment Done in the spring of each year Data gathered is available in report form by the end of May – can be given to schools in August.
What is it? Criteria developed by teachers, administrators and career counselors' Performance assessment Use Rubrics in the areas of –Communication Skills –Affective /Thinking Skills –Applied Math –Technology Skills –Employability Skills –Pre-Employability Skills
Teacher Assessment Similar to an Annual Performance Review Based on student performance and achievement over time…. Semester, year, program. Based on teacher observation, employer observation, projects, units, grades. Entire Movie – Not just a snapshot
Communication Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Affective Thinking Skills Cooperation Interpersonal Skills Problem Solving Work Ethic Thinking Leadership
Applied Math Skills Basic Mathematical Operations Measurement Data Representation and Intrepretation
Technology Skills Operation Systems Hardware and Software Applications Internet Searches Industrial and Business Technology
Pre-employability Skills Career Interests and Characteristics Career Prerequisites Employment Potential Resume, Application, and Interview
Employability Skills Punctuality and Attendance Interpersonal Relations Attitude and Appearance Completion-Rate and Productivity Skill Performance
Who is assessed 10 th grade vocational students & vocational concentrators 12 th grade Voc.Concentrators Definitions: Voc. Student=taken or enrolled in 2 courses in sequence Voc. Concentrator=taken 3 or more courses in sequence Courses must be in an approved program
11 th Graders? 11 th grade vocational concentrators are added to the data base, but they are not assessed with the rubrics. State assessment data is used for a comparison Used as the academic performance indicator
Other Data Obtained CIP Codes for program area – Non-trad Received Certification Involvement with a CTSO Program Completer Placement after graduation Follow-up study
Process Identify students that meet definition criteria Give teachers a time line Web –based data entry Score students based on teacher observation, classroom work, job experiences. These can be completed by teachers or employers.
Reports Take data and segregate into different categories. Software program develops graphs and charts that can be printed. Reports are available at the school, district or state level.
Reports Bound report created & shared –Superintendent & Assist. Super. –Principal –Every CTE Instructor –Perkins Advisory Board –Perkins Annual Report
Cody High School Cody High School 1 Comprehensive HS with approx. 740 students Immersion block schedule # of CTE programs=9 # of CTE Concentrators=284
Cody How we use for program improvement –Data segregated by Cluster –Programs request $ (mini-grant) –Programs must show improvement on communication or math before more $ will be awarded –Causes CTE to focus student attention on applied academics, no assumptions
Cheyenne 2 comprehensive HS – 1 alternative 3000 total student population grade A/B block and hybrid block Assess over 1000 students
Cheyenne Reports generated and given to Administration. Reports also given to Department Heads at each school. Data is used in School Profiles and for School Improvement Goals.
Statewide Use of Assessment Department of Education requires WyCTA data to be included in all grant proposals. Used for: –Tech-Prep –Leadership –Non-traditional –Corrections
The Results……..
Outcomes SOMETIMES…. –New ideas –New programs –Enhanced/improved programs –Better prepared students LEADING TO………
Everyone is a trophy