FIMS - Herndon Meeting Rev2 EBU-AMWA FIMS 7-9 November 2011
FIMS - Intellectual Property Rights Rules "This meeting is being held under the Intellectual Property Rights Policy of the Advanced Media Workflow Association. By signing in and attending this meeting, you have agreed to be bound, and your employer, if a member of the AMWA, is already bound, by that policy. If you are unfamiliar with that policy, please ask the Chair of this meeting, and s/he will provide you with a copy of that Policy. At this time, I would ask that anyone in attendance inform me if they are personally aware of any claims under any patent applications or issued patents that would be likely to be infringed by an implementation of the specification or other work product which is the subject of this meeting. You need not be the inventor of such patent or patent application in order to inform us of its existence, nor will you be held responsible for expressing a belief that turns out to be inaccurate."
FIMS Specification: Outline Agenda FIMS Plenary: Monday 7 November (morning) –Introductions –Agenda –IBC brief review –Process issues: FIMS Terms of Reference –tFIMS –Phase 2 –NAB 2012 –FIMS Webinar FIMS Specification Development (outline): Monday 7 - Wednesday 9th –Review comments on FIMS v1.0 –Discuss and resolve comments –Action plan to update specification / prepare reference software
FIMS Specification group: Day 1 Monday 7th November: 13: :00 –Approve agenda –Document Structure (Sony proposal) –Review & organize/prioritise comments on FIMS v1.0 See PowerPoints:- Compilation of comments on FIMS v1.0 - Sony's comments on feedback to FIMS v1.0 High-level comments Corrections Service Description Technical Metadata
FIMS Specification group: Day 2 Tuesday 8 November: 09: :00+ –Brief Summary of Day1 –Review Sony comments (continued) –Review BBC comments –Technical metadata/EBUCore - discussion –Service Description - discussion (Sony) –Issues requiring more discussion: Media container that has two or more video (or audio) tracks where each track has its own format (Jörg/Denis) - this issue will be covered by the metadata drafting group How can we pass connection information for source and destination locations to the service, ftp user and password for example (Mirko) - up to user Sometimes, it is necessary, that a file must be renamed during the transfer. For this case the transform service defines the outputFileNamePattern, but it is not part of the transfer request?! (Mirko) (discussion deferred) Callback pattern and the MediaResponseType (Mirko) (discussion deferred) Asynchronous request response pattern (Mirko) have asked for proposal ListFilterType (Matthias) - ask for proposal Service Endpoint (Sony, G5) - done Asynchronous Request/Response with Notification (Sony, G12) - done exact meaning of “finishBefore” (Sony, G16, P5) - done Definition of “Profile” (Sony, G18) DISCUSS BaseRequestType (Sony G21, P5) - done BaseResponseType (Sony G23, P5) - done
FIMS Specification group: Day 3 Wednesday 9 November: 09: :00 –Introductions –Brief Summary of Day 2 –Data model - Richard Cartwright –Service Description XML schema - Kojima-san –Remaining issues requiring discussion ListFilterType (proposal from IRT) - agreed, but without MaxNumberResults Sometimes, it is necessary, that a file must be renamed during the transfer. For this case the transform service defines the outputFileNamePattern, but it is not part of the transfer request?! (Mirko) - treat as error. Callback pattern and the MediaResponseType (Mirko) - consider during re-factoring Definition of “Profile” (Sony, G18) - IBM are to make proposal Merge JobInfoType/ extendedJobIInfotype?: - probably ok, IBM to confirm (will be part of re-factoring discussion) –Timescales & Action Plan for completion of FIMS v1.0 Specification documentation Reference Software Guidelines for Implementers –AOB