Welcome to Conceptual Physics! Teacher: Ms. Janet Davey Conceptual Physics and General Chemistry
Miss Davey 9 th year teaching 21 years computer software engineer Nottingham University –BSc Mathematics –BSc Chemistry George Fox University - Masters of Art in Teaching 3 kids; all graduated WHS Assistant Swim Coach
Attendance: It is imperative that students regularly attend class on time. Lots of learning takes place that cannot be repeated in a “make up” setting. When a class is missed, encourage students to make an appointment and seek help ASAP!
Homework Expect to see homework every night. Students copy down a daily objective that lists homework; it is on the calendar on-line and I tell them in class. Homework is typically due the next day unless otherwise stated. It usually consists of readings, answering questions/problem solving, or completion of lab work as well as studying for exams. Late work will be dropped a grade for every day late and not accepted after the assignment has been corrected in class.
Laboratory Lab activities usually take place on block days; please try to schedule Doctor, Optician Orthodontist, etc. on non-lab days. It is 20% of the grade and a vital part of learning Physics. Safety is the first and most important concern. Any horseplay will result in no credit for a lab and possible disciplinary action. Lab is great fun for students and for me!!! We will run upwards of 40 labs this year.
Make Up Work Students have one day (for each day absent) after returning from an excused absence to make up work. Lab work is available for 3 days for make up after excused absences. Have students self advocate and make appointments with me.
Exams Students will receive a review packet before the exam. It is expected students will study extra time the weekend before an exam. They are full period in length and difficult; consist of multiple choice, essay, and problem solving type questions. There are usually multiple test forms for each exam to encourage honest work. Semester final exam is over all units so save all work for the semester.
Instructional Units/Topics Scientific process: Scientific method, Measurement, Graphing. Mechanics: Forces/Newton’s Laws, Linear & Projectile Motion, Momentum, Energy. Chemistry: Kinetic Molecular Theory, Phases of Matter, Pressure, and Temperature. Earth and Space Science: Solar System, Planets, Moon, Gravitational Interactions, Seasons, Water cycle, Plate Tectonics. Sound and Light: Vibrations and Waves, Sound, Light, Color, Reflection/Refraction, Mirrors, Lenses, Diffraction and Interference. Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics, Electric Fields and Potential, Current, Circuits, Magnetism.
Co-Curricular Activities I Advise Science Club : We meet Thursday lunchtimes to practice for the Science Bowl Competition. All students are welcome. Science Bowl Competition : First Saturday in February. Designed to encourage students to excel in math, science and engineering. We can send 1 or 2 teams of 5. Knitting and Sewing Club: Meets Wednesday after school in room 218.
Co-Curricular Activities Available SWRP: stream monitoring (chemical and biological) in the fall and spring. We meet before school on Thursdays announced prior to meeting. All students are welcome. ISEF: September through to March. Students research a self-chosen project to present at the Jane Goodall science symposium in March.
Thank you for attending back to school night Phone: (503) ext: 4653 Website: or.us/staff/daveyj/ or.us/staff/daveyj/ Please feel free to contact me with special needs, absences, illness, etc.