Welcome at the PLCopen presentation Welcome at this presentation Feel free to adopt this one to your own needs – there is no copyright on it, but make sure you make a reference to PLCopen in your presentation Welcome here in the notes of this presentation. These notes provide you additional information on the subject For certain pictures we use several slides to construct it – making it easier for you to adapt them For feedback please contact Eelco van der Wal at evdwal@PLCopen.org – thanks in advance Learn and enjoy Check also the notes coupled to each slide
PLCopen is about efficiency in automation. And that is very much needed because we are depending more and more on automation.
The big software problem And automation is based on software – and that brings us to the big problem that software brings 3
And this is still going on. This is an overview of how the costs of software in production systems increased over the decades over mechanics and electric. And this is still going on. And not only in productions systems, but also in your car software plays an ever increasing role 4
Managing Complexity 100 – 10,000 – 1mio – 100mio Lines of Code The big problem with software is that the complexity increases exponentially. This means that software development is about managing complexity. And that is where PLCopen is targeted for. Combined with modern software development processes that provides a structured approach. Exponentially increasing complexity
Why Structured Software Development ? Software = key to system quality: errors cost money Increased requirements: 100 lines of codes now 10,000 lines or even 100,000 Not a one-man job - but a team with different know how and background Commissioning, Installation, Maintenance, and Improvements essential phases Why Structuring? Because the requirements on the system have changed, as well as the role of software Basically, the development process of control software was not in line with the development of the hardware. 6
… software quality factors.. Failure Rates: difference between hardware and software External Quality (‘Perceived value’) versus Internal Quality Correctness, reliability, robustness, integrity, persistence, safety ease-of-use And still we all expect a good software quality, although the ideas about this quality can differ very much 7
“… the never ending story of software ” enhancements….. ….. new requirements ... …. new functionalities …. …. new wishes ... Now when you have finalized your project, you will see that there is also another cycle: users want additions, etc. … and so the whole process starts all over again. This is something that we have to deal with upfront – there will always be changes 8
This is where PLCopen comes to rescue, creating efficiency in automation.
PLCopen started in 1992 and so in now over 21 years old: a mature organization with many things going on
Organization TECHNICAL PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEES PLCopen for efficiency in automation TECHNICAL PROMOTIONAL COMMITTEES The organization of PLCopen looks like this. The Board of management (BOM), the managing director (MD), and the general meeting provide the guidelines and co-ordinate the strategic goals of PLCopen. The Technical Committees specify further developments like special application area profiles and compliance levels. The Promotional Committees, take care of the PLCopen representation, also at fairs and seminars. Let us look at some of them
TC1 Standards: the basis IEC 61131-3 Harmonizing the way people look to control and now with the 3rd edition TC1- Standards is the interface to standardization organizations like IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission. This international organization was founded in 1906 and currently has around 76 member countries. But overall, this presentation is not about standards - it is about the way people look to control
What is IEC 61131-3 Specifying an application program development environment 1 structuring tool - SFC 4 programming languages: 2 textual & 2 graphical Program organization units for structuring and reuse Strong data typing for error prevention What is IEC 61131-3 – in one slide
IEC 61131 Parts Project Title Valid till 61131- 1, Ed 2.0 General information, 2003-05 2013 61131- 2, Ed 3.0 Equipment requirements and tests, 2007-07 2012 61131- 3, Ed 3.0 Programming languages (Currently CDV - Committee Draft for Voting) 2012+5 61131- 4, Ed 2.0 User guidelines (TR), 2004-07 2010 61131- 5, Ed 1.0 Communications, 2000-11 61131- 6, Ed 1.0 Functional safety for PLC (Currently CDV - Committee Draft for Voting) 61131- 7, Ed 1.0 Fuzzy control programming, 2000-08 61131- 8, Ed 2.0 Guidelines applic. & implem. progr. languages (TR), 2003-09 2008 61131- 9, Ed 1.0 Single-drop digital communication interface for small sensors and actuators (SDCI) aka “IO-Link” (Currently CD - Committee Draft) The IEC 61131-3 is the 3rd part of a suite of specifications, which are listed in this table. In 2013 the IEC 61131-3 was accepted with a 3rd edition which added features to it.
An introduction in IEC 61131-3 is given in a separate presentation PLCopen on IEC 61131-3.pptx
The 3rd edition includes Object Orientation Why? Main reason: To link better to the scared resources of engineers in the future The industry should better adopt to them then vice versa See slide
Good news: 3rd edition fully compatible with 2nd edition + extensions The OOP features are selectable and usable over time And many other enhancements and proposals to demote – like for IL Not everybody want to work in Object Orientation, and there is much knowledge and experience with the 2nd edition. This makes compatibility a very important issue. The good news is: the 3rd edition is fully upwards compatible with the 2nd edition, so no knowledge is lost. Besides other enhancements like namespaces, there are also items that are advised not to use in new projects, like for Instruction List. This also means that in the future the IEC development environments will not include IL anymore.
IEC 61131-3 Harmonizing the way people look to control and PLCopen extends this basis PLCopen is based on the IEC 61131-3 logic standard, and has extended this with motion, safety, exchange and communication. Let us quickly look to these activities and their results.
PLCopen Motion Control (TC2): The merge of Logic and Motion PLCopen Motion Control provided the basis for a harmonized look and feel toward the motors and drives. By integrating logic and motion in one development environment, machine applications can be built much more efficiently. This may sound obvious nowadays, however 10 year ago there were over 100 different motion related dialects on completely different programming environemts, and synchronizing logic and motion was done via digital I/O points. IEC 61131-3
Status PLCopen Motion Control Part 1 – Function Blocks for Motion Control Part 2 – Extensions Part 3 – User Guidelines Part 4 – Coordinated Motion Part 5 – Homing procedures Part 6 – Fluid Power (hydraulics) Around 30 companies certified with over 40 products (check website for full list) PLCopen Motion Control consists of a suite of specifications. The basis is provided by Part 1 and 2, with which many machine applications can be built. Original these parts were separated due to the timing to release the first part for implementation. Since the Version 2.0 as published in 2011, both parts are merged. Part 3 – User Guidelines shows examples and supports the idea to create own application-specific function blocks based on the basic functionality provided. Part 4 – Coordinated Motion deals with movement of group of axes and their synchronization, and as such includes applications like robotics. In Part 5 – Homing procedures, the basic building blocks are defined to create one’s own application specific homing procedures. And Part 6 – Fluid Power adds a set of blocks that can be used especially in (mobile) hydraulics.
PLCopen Motion Control.pptx An introduction in PLCopen Motion Control is given in a separate presentation PLCopen Motion Control.pptx
The next step: Adding Safety (TC5) (at machine level) Logic Safety Motion Control PLCopen If we start moving we have to think about safety. Safety of the operating personnel. And the best way to do this is not to end this at the end when the machine is ready, but to take this into account from the beginning. And that can be best done via integration of the safety functionality in the development process. IEC 61131-3
Reasons to merge – a changing environment The tendency to move from one motor (master axis) to multiple axes, driven by mechatronic solutions; The availability and acceptance of digital networks with safety functionality built-in; The inherent move from hardwired safety functionalities to software solutions; The increasing importance of safety related issues regarding personnel and machines (Governmental requirements ) Safety becomes a software issue. Nowadays with digital networks that includes communication to safety related sensors and actuators like emergency stop, there is no way around it. And due to governmental rules and laws, the responsibility lies much more at the machine builder, so one has to reduce the riak.
PLCopen Safety Specifications Part 1 - Concepts and Function Blocks Part 2 - User Examples Part 3 – Extensions Part 4 – Extensions for Presses Separate user document: Logic, Motion, Safety Also PLCopen Safety provides a suite of specifications. Part 1 provides the basic concepts, the reduction in programming languages and a set of safety relevant function blocks. Part 2 shows with some user examples how this can be used. Part 3 provides extensions to part 1 and an improved diagnostics concept. And Part 4 provides functionalities to include the application area of presses where additional safety requirements are applicable. And then there is a separate documents showing how the Logic, Motion and Safety is used in combination and how to start a project with it.
An introduction in PLCopen Safety is given in a separate presentation PLCopen Safety.pptx
Combining Logic, Motion and Safety PLCopen Combining Logic, Motion and Safety PLCopen provides the basis for the integration of Logic, Motion and Safety, and with that it provides the basis for you to get more efficiency in automation via structuring, decomposition, reuse and less training. Providing Structuring, Decomposition, Reuse and less training
Communication (TC4) But that is not all. Together with the association OPC Foundation, PLCopen mapped their technology OPC UA, which stands for United Architecture, to the IEC software model, providing a transparent communication like never seen before.
PLCopen specifies WHAT TC4 Communication OPC UA specifies HOW PLCopen specifies WHAT OPC UA specifies how to communicate from an OPC UA client to an OPC UA server via the creation of an application session over a secure channel. This higher level communication is independent from the transport layer, meaning the underlying communication architecture, and so is usable in the same way over the different networks.
With the mapping of the OPC UA information model (here shown on the top two levels) to the IEC software model (shown on the second level with examples on the bottom level), a transparent overview can be provided, very much like your explorer on your PC. One can find and read or write all relevant parameters and names. Communication will never be the same.
An introduction on OPC UA / PLCopen is given in a separate presentation PLCopen OPC UA.pptx More details on this working group can be seen in a different presentation.
TC6 – XML Opening up the development environments by specifying XML formats for IEC 61131-3 Within the next technical committee (TC) an XML scheme is developed, which opens up de development environments. Perhaps the name of the TC is wrong, since XML is an enabling technology and not the user oriented result. Nevertheless, the term XML makes it clear what this is about.
XML (TC6) Producer of graphical and logical information Other Development tool Development tool Other Development tool XML XML XML With this PLCopen XML schema we can describe a project, in part or full, in a textual form being XML based. With this a tool can generate this code, export it, and share it, so another tool can import this. This means that one can go form one development tool to another, or, more importantly, couple this to a higher level tool generating the basic structure, like a tool for a simulation of a plant. The outcome than can be the basic timing diagram for the different parts of the program. Consumer of graphical and logical information
And this is exactly what the organization AutomationML is doing And this is exactly what the organization AutomationML is doing. They create the tools independent basis to create a virtual factory to make for instance automobiles.
And after the simulation they generate PLCopen XML code describing the sequences of their many many intelligent systems and devices involved.
An introduction in PLCopen XML is given in a separate presentation PLCopen XML.pptx
TC3 - Benchmarking A benchmark is a reproducible, portable test to measure the performance of a given system in comparison to other systems Technical Committee 3 deals with certification with the latest activities focussed to Benchmarking.
Benchmarking (TC3) Two different sets of benchmarks defined: 5 different types of applications, which are typical for the usage of a PLC. Measures each language feature of the IEC 61131-3 separately There are 2 different sets of Benchmarking defined, where the first one includes 5 types of applications giving 5 figures. And that is why on the logo the clocks has 5 hands.
PC2 - Training Important to create sufficient human Training is very important. Although PLCopen does not train by itself, due to potential conflicts with educational members, we defined a minimum set of rules in order to comply to a PLCopen certified level. Important to create sufficient human resources capable to create and innovate
PLCopen Coding Guidelines: Goals Overall: Increase the quality of the software for industrial applications How?: By defining a set of Rules, Coding Patterns and Guidance on how to use them in Industrial Automation In addition to training, PLCopen has started a workgroup on Coding Guidelines to increase the quality of the software for industrial applications. We want to do that by defining a set of Rules, Coding Patterns and Guidance on how to use them in Industrial Automation.
PLCopen Coding Guidelines - subgroups Coding Conventions (incl. Naming conventions and Rules) Software quality issues and software consistency Creating PLCopen compliant FBs (Design Pattern) Structuring and decomposition via SFC: do’s & don’t s Guidance for documentation in software programs Library usage Software Development Process For this there are a number of subgroups active as listed on this slide.
Not-for-profit organization Some words to the Not-for-profit organization This concludes the short overview of the technical committees, Now let me tell you something about the not-for-profit organization PLCopen. As already shown, PLCopen provides efficiency in automation. How do we operate?
PLCopen as a World-wide association Main Office in Europe Office in North America Office in China Office in Japan PLCopen is a world wide not-for-profit organization, which is headquartered in The Netherlands, and has supporting offices in North America, Japan, and China. Currently we are setting office in Korea. These last organizations have or will have a local website in their local language, making it easier to access the information.
small companies can have the same influence as large companies One member – One vote small companies can have the same influence as large companies The independency of PLCopen as organization is very important. For that reason PLCopen has a ‘1 member – 1 vote’ principle, giving smaller companies the same influence as larger corporations. PLCopen has several membership categories, from large corporations till universities. For a full list of the members check the website PLCopen.org
PLCopen is primarily depending on its members. They pay an annual fee which provides the basis to operate. And with a multitude of members the independency of the organization is guaranteed. So think about supporting this organization and be seen as such in the market while influencing your future.
PLCopen – providing a suite of specifications PLCopen brings a suite of specifications to the market covering different areas while combining in to a total concept.
More Information... and to download the specifications (f.o.c) www.PLCopen.org Free-of-Charge electronic Newsletter ‘PLCopening’ (in English) email: evdwal@PLCopen.org More information?? See above And check the other presentations on the different subjects.