Moodle Tips & Tricks October 2012
Outline Tips and tricks to make you use Moodle quickly and efficiently Drag & drop Using Google docs Grid View
Drag and drop Drag and drop files from your desktop into Moodle when using Google Chrome
Enable the drag and upload under the block menu. Once this has been added it will stay
Google docs By linking to a Google doc file, you can amend a document without having to re- upload the file! For example, you may want to correct a spelling mistake or amend a Scheme of Work and this will automatically be amended!
Linking to a Google doc. This is very similar to creating other links in Moodle. From Google drive, right click – share - copy hyperlink Access - anyone with link
Grid View
Tips and tricks to make your Moodle course interactive Forums Quizzes Content Best practice
Using a Forum Weekly reflection question Help area – students can post any problems/questions, post resources, respond and help other students, frequently asked questions Group work and collaboration – groups of students can have their own forum to post ideas.
Forums Bit more about forums….. Under used – something to be developed Allows for students to work and communicate outside the classroom
Quiz Tips Convert past exam questions to Moodle quizzes
Quiz Tips As an activity, ask students to create quiz questions and them upload them to Moodle so they can have a go at all the different questions for revision Use pictures
Links to other resources…. Further Reading Materials Links to Relevant articles on the web List of books to get out from the Library Links to Online Library Resources * TV Programmes/ Films to watch Extra hand-outs regarding topics * See next slide
Library Resources eBrary Books / Dawson Books – A large section of electronic books covering a number of subject areas Philip Allen Review Magazines – for a number of subject areas back dated for numerous years. Newspaper Archive (Infotrac) – A number of British newspapers such as “The Telegraph” as well as local papers such as “Doncaster Free Press”. Issues Online - high-quality articles on today’s social issues. All of the above are web sites so can be linked to via Moodle
Links to other resources…. Use blocks
Media Server Upload existing videos Record Embed into Moodle using html code Same on be done for youtube
Best Practice Don’t over complicate Moodle. It’s a simple Content Management system to store files and create interactive content. Make sure everyone can use it – not just one member of staff. If only you can update it then it’s not serving its purpose. Use the courses for CURRENT students only. So download ex-students work to de- clutter your areas.
Upload Past Papers (and mark schemes) to allow students to revise and understand exam paper writing. Keep changing your materials / further reading links to keep it interesting. If students visit your course and find nothing has changed then you can keep turning round to them and say “Keep checking Moodle!”. This is demotivating and will reduce their input. Best Practise Cont…