GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda 22 Jan 2009 Melanie Kudela
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US LCN Global Agenda / Enhanced Process Welcome to the GSMP Local Community Network Global Agenda Meeting! Key Milestones for this GA Cycle Last Survey Response Summary New Links
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US Key Milestones for this GA Cycle EventDateComments Global Agenda Meeting with MO Liaison and GS1 Staff and GA Survey Live 22 JanIn progress CR Feedback GA Survey Closed10 Feb Results postedBy 13 Feb BRG/ WG Discussion (CR Feedback Results)By 26 Feb Next LCN Global Agenda Conference Call and Live Meeting – Thursday 26 Feb ( ET)
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US No CR# – Reconnaissance Type Question on GDSN Price Sync Implementation – Question 1 From GS1 Australia 1) Which Data Recipients (on which Data Pools) are generating the priceSynchronisationConfirmation message to enable continuing price synchronization? Note: this excludes any data pool functionality to default these responses on behalf of Data Recipients. 1 SA2 Worlsync is planning to implement the full GDSN price synchronisation standard in Q1/Q Several data pool customers are interested in using this new service. 2 no datapool 5 The METRO Group has a strong interest in using this new service and is planning to exploit the new functionality in Q1/Q We do not use the message with a functional background. Price is synchronised only where the agreement has been done between Buyer & Seller. We do not see GDSN as a way to manage the discussion on the price. 11 not used 14 This is the Carrefour PIM which generates the priceSynchronizationConfirmation (PSC) message. 1Sync is a Data Pool which is able to receive the PSC message from Carrefour. The PSC message is only used between Carrefour and 1Sync as a technical acknowledge (not a business acceptance) of the price received, since we only use status "ACCEPTED" and "REVIEW".
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US No CR# – Reconnaissance Type Question on GDSN Price Sync Implementation – Question 2 2) Would such Data Recipients or Data Pools have any implementation experience or best practice they could share, in this area? 1 we don't have any guideline 2 no 3 none 4 open 5 METRO Group has participated in a pricing pilot project. The results of gained experiences were integrated in the pricing standard and could serve as a basis for further implementation. 8 not used 9 Carrefour processes as following with 1Sync : When a PriceSync Document (PSD) is sent by 1Sync to Carrefour, 1Sync auto-accept it in its system (status generated automatically on "ACCEPTED"). If the PSD received by Carrefour is correct regarding its business rules, Carrefour do not send a PSC message to 1Sync (the Data Pool keeps the status "ACCEPTED") If the PSD received by Carrefour is not correct regarding its business rules, this means that the price received can't be integrated correctly in Carrefour systems. In this case, Carrefour send a PSC message to 1Sync with the status "REVIEW". This status will update 1Sync system. With this status, the manufacturer knows that he has to correct and resend his PSD because Carrefour didn't integrate it.
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US GDSN Trade Item Implementation Work Group (Question 1) The GDSN Trade Item Implementation Guide Work Group is currently developing best practices to facilitate the impact of Mergers/Acquisitions, Joint Ventures/Divestments on GTINs that have been synchronized in the GDSN 1.We are interested in receiving any information from the LCN community on Manufacturer Code use/ownership Rules. 1 no notes available 2 in case of merger or acquisition, we apply thr GS1 rules for chagne of GLN; We used datapool to send the newinforamtions to the retailer after having communicate with the retailers all the needed informations (SIREN, adress, list of product concerned,...) 3 none 4 open 5 In private labels we act according to GenSpec ruels (V8) 6 No experience 8 we follow GS1 rules whether we acquire entire company or part of it. In the latter case, we change the GTIN and GLN within 1 year
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US GDSN Trade Item Implementation Work Group (Question 2) 2. We are interested in receiving any information from the LCN community on Scenarios for Suppliers under each condition. 1 none 2 open 3 In private labels we act according to GenSpec ruels (V8) 4 No experience. I will recommand a 2 step approach : - Step 1 : change GLNManufactuer with old GLNProviderofInformation - Step 2 : change GLNProviderofInformation 6 As a manufacturer, we apply those rules in case of acquisition, but also in case of divestiture, meaning that we ask the buyer to change the company prefix within the GTIN
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US GDSN Trade Item Implementation Work Group (Question 3) 3. We are interested in receiving any information from the LCN community on Scenarios for Recipients under each condition. 1 none 2 open 3 As Retailer we expect the new GTIN of the new manufacturer along with the 'GTIN of item substituted for'. 4 No experience n/a
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US GDSN Trade Item Implementation Work Group (Question 4) 4. We are interested in receiving any information from the LCN community on general advice for Data Pools. 1 The data pool are used only to confirm the new information, not to communicate for the first time the announce of change in case of merge/acquisitions. 2 The work of this CR is extremely important. Following scenarios should be considered when developing recommendations: - Change of data pool (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Existing data pool is decertified by GDSN (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Merger of companies (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Purchase of company parts (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Vending of company parts (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Change of company name (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Joint Venture (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Mergers of foreign subsidiaries in different countries using different data pools 3 open Cont.
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US (Question 4, cont) 4 Metro Group regards these issues as being extremely important because they have a direct impact on the GDSN implementation. In the discussion of the LCN following scenarios were proposed that should be considered when elaborating the recommendation scenarios for the Trade Item Implementation Guide: - Change of data pool (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Existing data pool is decertified by GDSN (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Merger of companies (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Purchase of company parts (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Vending of company parts (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Change of company name (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Joint Venture (different process for retailer or manufacturer?) - Mergers of foreign subsidiaries in different countries using different data pools 5 As Retailer we expect that the manufacturer follows GenSpec rules (V8) 7 No experience 9 consult GS1
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US Nov Dec Links Jan GA (22 Jan Calendar Event) n/calendar.php Special note on Bar Codes Business Unit questions on the use of GLNs by Government Agencies: These questions are aimed at government agencies. Member Organization Liaisons are also invited to respond. Especially if a Member Organization does not have a government agency in their LCN, it is requested by the submitter that the MO Liaison respond directly to these questions. Nov. – Dec. Survey Results
Global Standards Management Process ©2007 GS1 US Contact Details Melanie Kudela GS1 Director, GDSN Technology D F