November 17 th 2014
1. Sycamore 2. Assessment, Grading and Report cards 3. Promotion rules 4. Timetable
Sycamore is a school management and student information software system, providing information on a number of item. Management Information Systems only work when all stakeholders actively participate. Stakeholders are: The Company Sycamore Board and Management Sycamore Application Manager Teachers and Supporting Staff Students Parents
Teachers try-out (Sep. 2014) Introduction to Parents/Students (Oct Parent Academy) Input of grades by teachers and attendance by Administration (Sep-Oct. 2014) From now on: Teachers put in grades, attendance, test dates, homework, discipline records. Homeroom teachers review completeness on a weekly basis. Mrs. Shigemoto is the Sycamore Application Adminstrator.
Ensure that each parent has an address for Sycamore. Check if information of parent/child is correct Check Sycamore on a regular basis. If you do have problems with logging in or do not have access to computer/internet, ask your child’s homeroom teacher for a print-out. Inform your child’s homeroom teacher if you have certain concerns.
Students are responsible for make up tests and checking on missed work after absence. All information with regards to homework assignments and assessments/tests are always in the classbook. Don’t rely on Sycamore only (as yet). After absenteeism, students/parents either: Check the classbook Ask a peer student to give updates
Grading Policy: Grades are on a scale between A passing grade is 60 or higher. At least 3 test grades and others per term (e.g. 3 quizes can count as one test). The average (dependent on the weight factor) of all assessments is the term grade. The average of the 3 terms (plus exam week F3) is the final grade that counts for promotion. Tests have to be communicated to students one week in advance. Teachers discuss the test results with the students.
Report Cards: At the end of each term a report card is given The report card grades will be discussed by staff and later shared with parents/students during a report card session. The report card gives grades for all subjects, both the Academic and Art subjects. The format of CBA’s report card will become as follows:
Promotion: At the end of the school year all teachers will discuss the final results of the students. A decision will be made on promotion, taking all factors into account. The document promotion policy is the point of departure for promotion.
General Requirements: A student can only be promoted if he/she has attended school at least 80% of full school days The average of all grades must be 60 or higher A student cannot repeat the same year twice. Students who are not promoted to the next grade after repeating a year, will be referred to another institution/level for secondary education.
Forms 1 and 2: Final Grade for each subject is based on the average of the three terms Final Exam is included in Term 3 Grade {Term 1 Grade + Term 2 Grade + Term 3 Grade} / 3 = Final Subject Grade Has an Overall Average of 60, and Has no more than 3 failing final grades in Academic Subjects, and Has no more than 2 failing final grades in Performance Arts/non-academic Subjects (this includes life skills) Has no more than a total of 4 failing subjects
Form 3: Final Grade for each subject is based on the average of the three terms and the Final Exam (in Sycamore exam is called Term 4) {Term 1 Grade + Term 2 Grade + Term 3 Grade + Final Exam} / 4 = Final Subject Grade Final Exam is a Separate Grade from the 3 Term Grades and is formulated as Term 4. Has an Overall Average of 60, and Has no more than 3 failing final grades in Academic Subjects Has no more than 1 failing final grade in Performance Arts Subjects Has no more than a total of 4 failing grades Has no more than 2 failing grades for academic subjects to be taken up as examination subjects
A student who does not meet these requirements, will be discussed during the reportcard meeting to be conducted by Management and staff. After hearing the advice of Inspection a decision is made by the reportcard meeting. Parents can appeal the decision of the reportcard meeting by the board.
As of Monday, Nov. 24 th a new timetable will go into effect. Copies of timetable will be handed out to students and staff on Friday, Nov. 22 nd. A number of changes are being made:
Reasons: Concern of students: too many and too long breaks Too much pressure on Staff with regards to supervision Create extra time for additional Art subjects and meetings
New subjects: Drama/Theatre Arts and Vocals (DAL/JAM) French will start in Forms 1 and 2 (KER) IT Classes for Forms 1 and 2 by other teacher (KIN)