ITI1120 DGD1 & DGD2 Weekly SEG Sessions Liam Peyton September 22, 2015
Pour Quoi les DGD? / Why are we here today? Agenda Bienvenue / Welcome Votre partisan / Your advocate Pour Quoi les DGD? / Why are we here today? Deviens engagé! / Get Connected! Team / Equipe Courses / des cours Career Development / Développement de carrière Project / Projet
Welcome - Bienvenue I am your advocate / Je suis votre partisan I want you to succeed / Je veux que vous réussissiez Appel Moi / Contact Me - IMMEDIATELY if there is a problem ... administrative, academic, career, personal, health... IMMÉDIATEMENT si il ya un problème ... administrative, scolaire, professionnelle, personnelle, la santé ... SESA (Software Engineering Student Association)
Why are we here today. Transforming the program, Why are we here today? Transforming the program, Transforming the culture … 2013 100% Bilingual all 4 years, Extended French Option 2014 100% COOP SEG3904 Innovation Research Project 2015 120 Credits (not 132), 2 Free Electives 2016 - New Coop Sequence New First Year: SEG1911, ENG/FRA instead of MAT1341, GNG1105 New Science (PHY1331, PHY1322, PHY2104, PHY2390)
SEG1911 Professional Communication. and Responsibility (3 cr SEG1911 Professional Communication and Responsibility (3 cr.) (3 Lec,1.5 DGD,0 Lab) An introduction to the responsibilities of software engineers to their employer, their profession and public safety, with emphasis on the development of skills in oral and written communication. Practice presentations and writing technical reports, business letters, web pages, and safety guidelines. Introduction to source code management and version control. Prerequisites: None (Restricted to students enrolled in Software Engineering (COOP)
SEG1911 de la Communication et. Responsabilité professionnelle (3 cr SEG1911 de la Communication et Responsabilité professionnelle (3 cr.) (3 Lec,1.5 DGD,0 Lab) Une introduction aux responsabilités des ingénieurs logiciels à leur employeur, à leur profession et à la sécurité publique, en mettant l'accent sur le développement des compétences en communication orale et écrite. Pratique dans les présentations et la rédaction de rapports techniques, des lettres d'affaires, des pages Web, et les directives de sécurité. Introduction à la gestion de code source et de contrôle de version. Prerequisites: None (Restricted to students enrolled in Software Engineering (COOP)
ITI1120 DGD1 & 2 Seulement SEG COOP Only Chaque Semaine / Every Week 100% Attendance required to participate in COOP / 100% Présence est un pré-requis pour COOP 70% COOP Preparation 30% Director / SESA – SEG Preparation
Software Engineering / Génie logiciel (SEG) Innovation Team Equipe COOP Bilingue … but you need to invest in yourself as well Code Early, Code Often … for real Users
DGD Teams (mandatory) and Project (optional) Form teams of four See DGD Teams.doc Report progress weekly using Team Milestones Report Use SEG1911_TMR_Template.xls each team member takes a turn owning and sending the report for the week .. Twice. 8 reports in all Track Courses Assignments, study groups, midterms etc. Track Career Development Progress on resumes, finding jobs, interviews Track progress on Project (See DGD Teams.doc)
Resources for Courses Professors and Tas!!! Faculty Mentoring Center SESA SASS – Access Service d'accès Liam Peyton, SITE 5-074, Tatiana Njike Nouya, 1st floor SITE Undergrad Office 562-5800 x6258, bacinfo@genie.uOttawa Josée Williams, 3rd Floor Desmarais, COOP Advisor - (613) 562-5800 x3843,
Welcome to Probation Bienvenue à la probation COOP Probation: GPA <4.5 or COOP prep pas achevé SEG2901 Stage COOP Work Term non autorisé GPA > 7.0 = Job / Emploi 0 students chose mobility / choisir la mobilité 0 students found own job / propre emploi trouvé GPA < 3.5: must withdraw / doit se retirer Emploi COOP Job 52 Entrevues COOP Interviews 7 COOP Prep - pas achevé 4 GPA <4.5 27 Total 90
Réussir à ce que vous faites! Be good at what you do! 10.0 A+ 90-100 9.0 A 85-89 8.0 A- 80-84 7.0 B+ 75-79 6.0 B 70-74 5.0 C+ 66-69 4.0 C 60-65 3.0 D+ 55-59 2.0 D 50-54 1.0 E 40-49 F 0-39 >8.0 excellent >5.0 barely competent <5.0 not acceptable tous les autres programmes COOP exigent GPA >6.0 All other COOP programs at uOttawa require GPA >6.0 Would you like a doctor who is correct <60% of the time!? Voulez-vous un médecin qui est correcte <60% du temps!?
From the Committee on Academic Standing Lack of student engagement Not attending classes, tutorials, etc. Failure to understand academic regulations Taking too many courses, not dropping courses Not taking university (engineering) seriously Working too many hours (part-time job) Connecting mathematics and science to engineering and computer science applications No sense of community with students and the Faculty
Advice Attend EVERYTHING (lectures, labs, tutorials etc.) Review lectures weekly DO every assignment, lab etc. AHEAD of time Math courses: aim for 5 additional practice problems a day ITI1120: aim for 5 additional practice programs a week At the end of each week: if there is any aspect of lecture or any problem or program you cannot do easily – GET HELP! Organize weekly group study sessions to compare progress and learn from each other Join SESA! Leverage all course resources listed on slide 10
Mentoring Centre Study groups offered for First Year Courses --> Fall 2015 Winter 2016 GNG 1105 GNG 1505 ITI 1100 GNG 1106 ITI 1500 GNG 1506 ITI 1121 ITI 1120 ITI 1521 ITI 1520 MAT 1320 MAT 1720 MAT 1322 MAT 1341 MAT 1722 MAT 1741 CHG 1125/1525 MCG 1100/1500 Study groups offered for First Year Courses --> Designed to compliment tutorials and office hours. Designed to teach study skills in the context certain courses. Helps students meet other students in the courses. Workshops are also going to be provided on: Time Management Stress and Anxiety