European Corridor - Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems P4ITS Workshop, Vienna, 20/05/2015
2 C-ITS Vision Driver’s perspective today Driver‘s perspective tomorrow P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
3 Developments in C-ITS / C2X Specification, Harmonisation & Testing (ECo-AT) R&D (COOPERS, CVIS, SAFESPOT) Field Operational Test Testfeld Telematik, SIM-TD) EU Field Tests (Drive C2X, FOTSIS) Harmonised Deployment (ECo-AT ) Specification, Harmonization (C-ITS Corridor, ECo-AT) Research & Development (COOPERS, CVIS, SAFESPOT) Field Operational Tests (Testfeld Telematik, SIM-TD) EU Field Tests (Drive C2X, FOTSIS) Harmonized Deployment (ECo-AT) P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
4 On 10 June 2013 ministers representing Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, the countries initiating the corridor, signed the Memorandum of Understanding. C-ITS Corridor P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
5 Development of a common implementation schedule for the implementation of the first C-ITS applications Definition of common conventions that ensure harmonized interfaces towards vehicles in the three countries Construction of roadside equipment/systems along the motorway corridor for the first C-ITS applications Definition of a common implementation strategy for further C-ITS applications on motorways Scope of C-ITS Corridor P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
6 1.Pre-development, Specification and proof-of-concept within the Austrian project ECO-AT, with road works safety trailers in Hessen around Frankfurt/M. by extension of Dutch Test-site DITCM 2.Nationwide Deployment of Road Works Warning and Probe Vehicle Data in the Cooperative ITS Corridor (NL – DE – AT) The Phases The Corridor is a carrier for deployment of further cooperative services. P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
7 At least two use cases will be implemented jointly along the whole corridor: Road Works Warning Vehicles approaching a road works site will be warned and informed directly in the vehicle in addition to the conventional signage means. The exact location, start and end time and site-phases will be provided. Improved Traffic Management by using Vehicular Data The Use Cases in the Corridor In the future the roadside C-ITS infrastructure can detect vehicular road traffic and event data (security relevant as well as road availability data) and will provide it to the traffic control centers (TCC). ECo-AT is working on the definition of additional use cases. P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
8 ECo-AT is the Austrian project to create harmonised and standardised Cooperative ITS applications jointly with partners in Germany and the Netherlands Implementation project in 2 phases (Definition & Testing, Implementation) Duration 2Q/2013 – 2Q/2017 Overall budget of Euro 10 Mio. Funded by Austrian Climate and Energy Fund The project is led by the Austrian motorway operator ASFINAG Project partners are: European Corridor – Austrian Testbed for Cooperative Systems P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
9 Develop - together with the industry partners - the necessary functional specifications for all components of cooperative systems based on existing standards Harmonize them in the C-ITS corridor DE / NL / AT Support the adaptation of the components and products of industry partners Test the components in a Living Laboratory. Phase 1 Phase 2 Q – Q P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
10 In Phase 2, the systems are procured and the Living Lab is used to verify the functional specifications in Phase 1 After procurement, the system is rolled out Phase 2 Phase 1 Phase 2 Q – Q P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
11 Project Schedule ECo-AT Phase 1ECo-AT Phase 2 Release 1Release 2 11/14 03/15 ECo-AT Living Lab Tender execution Tender specifications Release 3 (Final Draft) Release 4 (Final) 06/1511/15 SWP 4.7 System Verification t Testfeld Telematik Releases for Day 1.5/2 and beyond Living Lab for Acceptance Tests Release Documents can be requested for free at P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
12 Use Cases Roles & Responsibilities System architecture for whole value chain Traffic Control Centre (TCC) Road Side Units (RSU) Co-Existence (5,8 GHz CEN DSRC with C-ITS / ITS G5 5,9 GHz) Convergence (5,9 GHz ITS-G5 with cellular systems) Upwards Compatibility Conformance Testing Definition and Implementation of a Living Lab Tender procedure – procurement Conformance Testing Roll Out and Operation Major Topics for ECo-AT P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
13 Vehicle Road-side infrastructure Centre-side infrastructure C-ITS C-ITS-S Central ITS Station R-ITS-S Roadside ITS Station V-ITS-S Vehicle ITS Station TCC System Architecture P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
14 System Architecture and Interfaces Vehicle C-ITS C-ITS-S Central ITS Station R-ITS-S Roadside ITS Station V-ITS-S Vehicle ITS Station TCC Fixed R-ITS-S Mobile R-ITS-S Safety trailer Road-side infrastructure Centre-side infrastructure IP communication Web Services (based on OCIT-C) XML Payload (DATEX II) IP communication Web Services (based on OCIT-C) XML Payload (CDD, DENM…) WLAN (802.11p) ITS-G5 (ETSI / C2C-CC) ASN.1 PER (DENM, IVI) P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
15 In ECo-AT Phase 1 all project partners will cooperate on the development of system architecture specifications. These system architecture specifications will be developed in 4 releases and each release will be published for public consultation: Release 1 in 11/2014 Release 2 in 03/2015 Release 3 (Final Draft) in 06/2015 Release 4 (Final) in 11/2015 Releases in ECo-AT P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
16 Corridor Use Cases Roadworks Warning (RWW) Probe-Vehicle Data (PVD) ECo-AT Use Cases In-Vehicle Information (IVI) Intersection Safety (ISS) Other DENM Applications: Events Use Cases in ECo-AT RWW PVD ISS IVI P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
17 Use Cases Day 1 Day 1Day 2 Use CaseRelease 1Release 2Release 3/4 Road works warning (RWW) Emergency, Short Term Mobile RW Long Term RW X X X In-vehicle-information (IVI) Dynamic signs Static Signs Draft X X Probe vehicle data (PVD) aggregation of CAM PVD including PDM Draft X X Intersection Safety (ISS)DraftX Other DENM based applications TCC initiated DENMs based on traffic information content Processing of DENM from the vehicles Draft X X Multimodal information (MIF)Feasibility Study P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
Additional Information Release 2 Overview
19 Overview of 13 Documents Release 2 Documents Explanatory Release Note“ECo-AT_SWP2.3_ExplanatoryReleaseNote_v02.00.pdf” Use case Overview“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_OverviewOnUseCases_v02.00.pdf” Use case Road Works Warning (RWW)“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_RoadWorksWarning_v02.00.pdf” Use case In-Vehicle Information (IVI)“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_InVehicleInformation_v02.00.pdf” Use case CAM Aggregation“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_CAM_Aggregation_v02.00.pdf” Use case Intersection Safety (ISS)“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_IntersectionSafety_v02.00.pdf” Use case Other DENM Applications“ECo-AT_SWP2.1_DENM_Applications_v02.00.pdf” System Overview“ECo-AT_SWP2.3_SystemOverview_v02.00.pdf” Security Architecture“ECo-AT_SWP2.4_SecurityArchitecture_v02.00.pdf” Convergence Strategy“ECo-AT_SWP2.6_ConvergenceStrategy_v02.00.pdf” Concept Upwards Compatibility“ECo-AT_SWP2.7_UpwardsCompatibility_v02.00.pdf” Living Lab Concept“ECo-AT_SWP3.7_LivingLab_v02 00.pdf” C-ITS System Monitoring“ECo-AT_SWP2.3_CITS_Monitoring_v02.00.pdf” P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
20 Explanatory Note and Use Case Overview Explanatory Note Release 2 Introduction for C-ITS / V2X, ITS Corridor, ECo-AT ECo-AT Phases and Releases Overview on Documents in Release 2 Description of changes from Release 1 Overview on Use Cases Overview on ECo-AT Use Cases Definition of Terms (day 1, day 2, release 1, release 2, …) Assignment of Use Cases to day 1 / day 2 and releases Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
21 System Overview Current status of the ECo-AT project as of Release 2 Describes the ECo-AT system (as agreed by all ECo-AT partners) Specification and common understanding for all partners regarding system architecture system components interfaces communication model usage of data elements (referencing to UC documents) message management system requirements Basis for development functional requirements in later releases Basis for harmonization with Corridor partners Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
22 Use Cases RWW and IVI Use Case Road Works Warning Deployment scenarios for Road Works Warnings System setup and triggering conditions Data and message content for mapping Road Works layouts to DENM Emergency/ad hoc RW – Sofortmaßnahme – Regelplan „S“ Short term RW – Arbeitsstellen kürzerer Dauer – Regelplan „K“ Mobile RW - Regelplan „A“ Use Case In-Vehicle Information Definition and Distinction of IVI / IVS and usage in ECo-AT Status for IVI / IVS in Austria – Legal environment and existing signage IVI Standard, IVI Data Elements, IVI Location Encoding (ISO/TS 19321) Data availability and analysis for the IVI / IVS use case ECo-AT Profile of IVI ISO/TS including coding examples for all dynamic signs Full IVI Message Example Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
23 Use Cases ISS and CAM Aggregation Use Case Intersection Safety Deployment scenarios / use cases for ECo-AT Vehicle Speed optimisation approaching an intersection, based on signal status Fast pre-emption of traffic due to traffic light signal change (red to green) Red light violation Message overview (SPaT / MAP) Traffic-light status (SPaT – Signal Phase and Timing) Geographical representation of the vicinity of the traffic light (MAP) Relevant data elements in SPaT / MAP Use Case CAM Aggregation Purpose of CAM Aggregation, differentiation from PVD Comparison with TLS traffic data, definition of short term and long term data Functional description of CAM Aggregation for release 2 of ECo-AT Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
24 Use Case DENM Events and Security Concept Use Case Other DENM Applications – Hazardous Location Warnings / Events TCC-initiated DENM based on traffic information content Based on ASFINAG event management system Procedures for matching ASFINAG events to ETSI use cases and DENMs Examples for event matching Security Concept Provides an IT system architecture to ensure information security for the Eco-AT system Main aims: preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information Structure Evaluation of the security architecture methodology Analysis of the the interfaces of the system Selection of security controls which need to be applied Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
25 Convergence, Upwards Compatibility, System Monitoring Convergence of ITS-G5 with cellular communication systems Presents the conceptual approach that Eco-AT will adopt regarding the convergence strategy among ITS G5 and mobile networks Aim: Messages transmitted through ETSI ITS G5 or cellular networks should convey the same information to the final user Concept for Upwards Compatibility Cooperative ITS systems are just before their first step of commercial introduction Future operational experience will trigger changes to existing C-ITS systems Document investigates potential changes of the C-ITS environment and technology and derives requirements and design recommendations C-ITS System Monitoring Describes a high level, system wide monitoring framework, which could run in parallel of the ECo-AT C-ITS architecture Enables the operator to identify faults at a system level that the individual system components are not capable of detecting themselves Network traffic capturing, Analysis of traffic and Reasoning on network behavior Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015
26 Living Lab Concept Defines role of Living Lab in ECo-AT phase 1 and 2 Test objectives Test objects Test tools Necessary steps for the implementation of the Living Lab Release 2 Documents P4ITS Workshop20/05/2015