Alternative Energy Alternative Education
Alternative Energy: Any source of energy derived from sources other than fossil fuels
Alternative Education: An education that: 1.Encourages young people to want to learn 2.Teaches young people how to learn 3.Teaches young people how to use their learning to improve their surroundings.
Sample Curriculum Tell and Show or... If you can’t explain it, you can’t use it
Tell and Show Outline Kit 1 Magnets and Magnetism Kit 2 Generating Electricity 2.1 Static 2.2 Chemical 2.3 Piezo 2.4 Solar 2.5 Fuel cells 2.6 Thermocouples 2.7 Electromagnetic Induction
Wind Water Steam Fossil fuels Nuclear
Kit 3 Motors
Kit 4 Motion (Car Kit) Friction and Rotational Inertia Gears Alternative fuels
Enrichment Kits Stand alone Math and reading components Require problem solving Reusable Relevant
Objectives 1.Understand and demonstrate fuel cell operation (one fuel cell system at each table) –Electrolysis –Fuel cell function 2.Understand and demonstrate solar cell operation (each person is to build a solar racer) –Wheels of your choice –Motor of your choice –Motor gears of your choice –Axle gears of your choice
Objectives Continued 3. Those who finish early, may take on additional projects.
Improving our surroundings
Bio Fuels Oil seed crops as an alternative crop Pressing oil seeds (residue used as an animal food source) Processing bio fuels using trans- esterification (glycerine is a waste product) Using glycerine as a heat source
Solar Solar energy for 3 rd world countries Solar cookers Solar water stills