What is a Teaching Portfolio? The teaching portfolio is a relatively short collection of materials you select to document, summarize, and highlight your growth, your experiences and your strengths as a teacher.
What is an e-Portfolio? Electronic Portfolios are a creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing artifacts, information, and ideas about teaching and/or learning, along with personal and professional growth. Engaging electronic showcases of the user's best work put together with software and services that help with the collection, collation and organization of work highlights. E-portfolios are "dynamic, developmental spaces representing your professional 'self' on the Web
make individual teaching practices public e-Portfolios capture evidence of one’s entire teaching career and serve as documentation of skills and accomplishments for career advancement make individual teaching practices public are used for critical reflection and learning purposes can offer a look at development over time, helping one see teaching as an ongoing process of inquiry, experimentation, and reflection
helps you to plan your development facilitates reflective practice Reasons for Portfolio helps you to plan your development facilitates reflective practice provides a framework for lifelong learning enhances teaching has a positive impact on your learners helps keep you motivated provides a system for recording and documenting important areas of your work gives you a platform for exploring teaching helps you to develop your English language skills helps you to identify where you can go for the support you need provides a basis for review
Go e Today http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRo_h5UoNLQ
How do electronic portfolios differ from paper-based portfolios?
Electronic Portfolios vs Print Portfolios Increased Accessibility Multimedia Documents Nonlinear Thinking Copyright and Privacy Issues
Attendance certificates from workshops, conferences or seminars Items to Include Attendance certificates from workshops, conferences or seminars Example lesson Feedback from supervisors, mentors or peers plans Letters/notes from parents Materials you have created Observation reports Professional development plan
Programmes/handouts from workshops, seminars or conferences that you have participated in Qualifications Thoughts about aspects of your teaching practice Thoughts on materials you have read/research carried out Reviews of development plans Reviews of lesson plans and activities Samples of learners’ work and your feedback to them Plans for training sessions delivered by you Record of guidance you have given to a colleague
Training and Development Trainer Experience Memberships Career profile Name Years of Experience Training and Development Trainer Experience Memberships Skills and strengths Achievements Teaching approach and philosophy Aspirations Interests
Give a fair and accurate presentation of yourself. General Guidelines Start now! Give a fair and accurate presentation of yourself. Be selective in which materials you choose to include. Make your organization explicit to the reader. Make sure every piece of evidence in your portfolio is accompanied by some sort of context and explanation.