St Andrews Youth Edition
Name 5 of the Ten Commandments Do not misuse the name of God10 Do not steal19 Remember the Sabbath Day12 Do not kill27 No other God’s before me32 XXX
Name Something A teacher can do to ruin a students Day Give homework12 Pop Quiz16Yell at them/get mad16 Give a Test21Keep them after Class35 XXX
Name A kind of Test people Can’t Study for Thesolenticia 8 Romans19Corinth17 Galitias24Ephasus32 XXX
Name 5 of the Disciples Judas 5 Peter19James16 John24Matthew36 XXX
Name 5 women of the Old Testament Ester12 Sarah16Naomi14 Eve22 Ruth36 XXX
Name 5 women of the New Testament Martha13 Pricilla15Elizabeth14 Dorcus25 Mary (mother of Jesus)33 XXX
Name 5 men of the Old Testament Jacob10 Noah22Isaac12 Adam26Abraham30 XXX
Name 5 men of the New Testament James14 Mark19John18 Paul21Peter 28 XXX
Name 5 authors of the New Testament John 11 Mark18Luke18 Paul24Matthew29 XXX
Name 5 authors of the Old Testament Abraham14 (Not) Isaiah19David15 Jeremiah23Moses29 XXX
Name 5 animals on the ark Elephant16 Lion18Dove18 Giraffe22Horse26 XXX
Name 5 miracles of Jesus Lame to walk11 Lazarus from the dead17 Blind to see14 Lepers healed19Water to wine39 XXX
Name 5 cities mentioned in the Bible Philippi11 Corinth14Bethlehem11 Antioch28Jerusalem36 XXX
Name 5 Fruits of the Spirit Kindness7 Peace20Patience13 Joy27Love33 XXX
Name 5 relatives of Jesus God13 John20Joseph14 James23Mary30 XXX
Name 5 bodies of water mentioned in the bible Red Sea11 Dead Sea19 Mediterranean Sea 16 Jordan River19Sea of Galilee35 XXX
Name 5 Mothers in the Bible Bathsheba8 Sarah12Martha10 Eve14Mary28 XXX
Name 5 Fathers in the Bible Jacob10 Noah14David12 Abraham18Adam22 XXX
Name 5 sets of brothers in the Bible Absolam and Solomon 6 Jacob and Esau12 Joseph and Benjamin 8 Cain and Able24James and John28 XXX
Name 5 people that Angels appeared to Paul10 Shepherds12Jacob10 Joseph16Mary20 XXX
Name 5 Names for God in the Bible Jehovah8 Lord14Abba10 Father18Yahweh20 XXX
Name 5 types of money Farthing8 Mite10Talent10 Shekel12Dinarius30 XXX
Name 5 of Joseph’s (Old Testament) brothers Judah6 Dan12Levi6 Ruben22Benjamin30 XXX
Name 5 Tribes of Israel Naphtali10 Dan12Levi10 Benjamin 12Judah26 XXX
Name 5 mountains mentioned in the Bible Hermon6 Olives12Araphat10 Horeb12Sinai26 XXX