Using web 2.0 to create
Roles Instruction/Communication Collaboration Research “Collecting” and “Returning” Assessment Record keeping and reporting: grades, attendance, seating The Good and Not So Good The Pluses and Minuses
Online LMS Jing Jing Podcasting Blogs Aggregators/Readers of RSS feeds ItunesU Google Notebook/Inspiration
Databases Primary sources in addition to secondary and tertiary sources Not just Google searches: Deep Reading
Wikis: Blogs: Voicethread: Discussions/Forums Prezi Prezi Skype
File naming protocol: ktesterman_assignmentname.doc Submission through Moodle/LEAP Blogs: edublog, Voicethread Turnitin: interface through Moodle/LEAP
Review pane in WORD Blogs: Comments/Replies Moodle/LEAP
Electronic Gradebook Web posting of grades Moodle/LEAP Online Programs Lesson Plans Daily Updates for Parents and Guidance
Returning work with feedback Students who do not have internet access at home Students who do not have the software at home
Work can be accessed and submitted at any time or place via networked computer Teacher can monitor, receive and assess at any time or place via networked computer Multiple readers can read and edit simultaneously Can refer to linked information Supports multi-media
Furr III, Grover C. From “Paperless Classroom to “Deep Reading”? Five Stages in Internet Pedagogy. 1/29/ /2003.