CPS120: Introduction to Computer Science Fall: 2002 Instructor: Paul J. Millis
Course Details Instructor: Millis, Paul CRN: Section: N1 Dates: 10/ /19 Tuesday: 05:30PM - 07:40PM -- BE 276 Thursday: 05:30PM - 07:40PM -- BE 282 CRN: Section: N3 Dates: 10/ /19 Tues / Thur: 08:00PM - 10:10PM -- BE 276
Instructor Details Instructor: Paul J. Millis Office Phone Number: (734) Class Emergency Office Hours: Before class and by appointment
Course Description This is a course in introductory problem solving and programming techniques that introduces students to computers and computer programming. It is assumed that you have a basic high school mathematics background, although no prior computer science is assumed. Topics covered will include the general characteristics of computers, the properties of algorithms, techniques of problem solving and creating of computer programs.
Objectives Basic concepts and vocabulary Internal representation of data Programming concepts Operating systems Programming languages and software Databases Data communications
Tentative Schedule I reserve to make appropriate changes to the schedule as we go along. I will notify you of all changes that are made at the earliest possible juncture and all changes will be posted to the class web site.
Class Schedule
Text Computer Science Illuminated by Nell Dale and John Lewis, published by Jones and Bartlett Publishers, copyright 2002, ISBN:
Recommended Computers Simplified, 5 th Edition, Published by IDG Books Worldwide Inc., copyright 2000, ISBN: Introduction to Computer Science by Ramon A. Mata-Toledo and Pauline K. Cushman, published by McGraw-Hill, copyright 2000, ISBN: X
Other Sources of Information Introduction to Computer Science Using C++ by Todd Knowlton, published by South-Western Educational Publishing, copyright 1998, ISBN: Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days (4th Edition) by Jesse Liberty, published by Sams, April 2001; ISBN: X Programming Logic for Business by Laura Saret, published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education, November 2000; ISBN: A Guide to Programming Logic and Design - Introductory by Joyce M. Farrell published by Course Technology, March 1999; ISBN: An Introduction to Programming with C++, Second Edition by Diane Zak, published by Course Technology, December 2000; ISBN: Starting Out Quickly with Visual C++ by Doug White, published by Delmar Publishers, June 2001; ISBN:
Other Resources You will need approximately 12 floppy disks with labels. One floppy should contain your working files. –Make sure you have these on the nights of the labs –Zip disks are also OK –YOU are responsible for backups You need to use your WCC account for the purposes of this class –If you haven't activated it, check the course schedule for directions on how to do this –Techs in the labs will help you with this
Homework Please NOTE: It is your responsibility to know when things are due. Please check the website. –Worksheets: There are 12 worksheets that are collected and graded in this class. They will generally be due at the end of class following the class in which they are assigned. –Programming assignments: There are 5 programming assignments that must be completed outside of class. You will have to spend a significant amount of time in the completing the programming. These programming assignments are due one week after they are assigned. –There is a class project. You will have 3 weeks to complete it.
Compilers It is strongly encouraged that you install the Visual C++ compiler or another available compiler on your home computer so that you will be able to complete your work there. Otherwise, you are expected to use the college's computer labs. Starting Out Quickly With Visual C++ includes a compiler, as does Teach Yourself C++ Other compilers are available on the web as freeware
Grading The make up of the final grade will be: – 5% Attendance / Participation –10% Quizzes –10% Class Project –15% Worksheets –15% Programs –20% Assignments –25% Final Exam
Integrity Policy Unless an assignment is specifically designated as a group project, all students submitting duplicate programs (or slight variations) will be penalized at the instructor’s discretion, even the student who did all or most of the original work –I recognize these are simple programs, so don't stress over this issue
Quizzes Quizzes may be given at the beginning and/or end of a number of classes. –Expect approximately four Students who are not present for a quiz, unless they have an emergency and have informed the instructor, will receive a zero. There is no makeup opportunity for quizzes. I will drop the lowest score on quizzes to allow for emergencies students have during the term.
Late Assignments Late programming assignments and worksheets will be accepted but they will be worth significantly fewer points If your program does not compile or work correctly, you should still submit it
Final Grades
Exams There will be two exams in this class, a midterm on 11/12/02 and the final on 12/19/02 These tests will contain multiple choice and true & false questions as well as debugging and programming problems The mid-term will be more conceptual and the final more practical in nature. The final will be cummulative Make-up exams will be given only for emergency circumstances –The instructor reserves the right to make a decision in all such cases If an emergency does arise, you must call or the instructor as soon as possible before the exam in order to arrange for a make-up
Assignment Scheduling Worksheets will generally be due at the next class after they are assigned Programming assignments will generally be due one week after they are assigned Late assignments mean significantly reduced points Zero grades will be given for missed quizzes, homework, and program assignments if the instructor has not been consulted in advance.
Class Attendance Policy Class attendance is mandatory and will be taken each class period. If you have a need to miss a class, please inform the instructor by
CPS 120: Introduction to Computer Science This course prepares you to continue with programming languages We will focus on the logical thinking needed for programming Topics include: –Tools of structured programming techniques –Basic input/output logic development –Working with documentation –Arithmetic operations –Program and logic development –Data validation and logic development – Control break-program (multiple level) and logic development