A Medley of OT Miracles Wonders – Causing people to stop and ponder, “What does this mean?” Signs – Pointing to the Message of God and bringing credibility to the messenger and message. Miracles – Mighty Acts that defy natural law.
It’s been estimated that there are well over 300 miracles recorded in the Bible. Some 35 recorded of our Lord Jesus alone. But perhaps John the Beloved said it best: “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25). Speaking of that Great Shepherd Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, let’s play…
A Word from Our Sponsor Though you just had breakfast, this is your main course for the day.
Today: We’ll look to dig deep into the meat of the miracles of the OT and throw an application at you here and there.
Today’s Categories
Chapter and Versical
Water Works
Fire Works
Never Say Die
Direction and Rules: Just slide the mouse over the category - amount, click, and read the “answer.” The first squad to chime in and give the correct “question” gets the $, so be sure to keep score.
Final Shepherdy Question: To conclude the game with “Final Shepherdy”, go to the place/pause icon at the top right column “Never Say Die”. Just click and place your bets.
Chapter and Versical Mira-nimals Water Works Fire Works Fire Works Never Say Die $100 $300 $200 $400 $500
Chapter and Versical - $100 The book and chapter. The book and chapter.
Chapter and Versical - $200 The book and chapter.
Chapter and Versical - $300 The book and chapter.
Chapter and Versical - $400 The book and chapter.
Chapter and Versical - $500 The book and chapter.
Mira-nimals - $100 After the flood this type of bird brought an olive leaf to Noah.
Mira-nimals - $200 When Elijah was hungry this type of bird brought him bread.
Two of these mauled 42 youths who were making fun of Elisha for being bald. Mira-nimals - $300
Mira-nimals - $400 Joel spoke of these insects as a sign for end times.
Mira-nimals - $500 Two animals which actually talked to people.
Water Works - $100 Moses struck this at Meribah to give the people water. But the Lord was not happy about his attitude when he did it.
Water Works - $200 Naaman rinsed in this river to be healed of his leprosy.
Water Works - $300 The Levites did something amazing with water that Moses also did once before.
Water Works - $400 Gideon asked for God to make two things wet to know for sure if God would indeed save his people under him.
Water Works - $500 Elisha caused this to float when it really never should.
Fire Works - $100 A pillar of fire led these people out of Egypt.
Fire Works - $200 These three men survived the fiery furnace.
Fire Works - $300 Nadab and Abihu, sons of this Great High Priest, were consumed by fire for offering unauthorized fire.
Fire Works - $400 A burning pot floated between an offering presented by this father of the faith.
Fire Works - $500 A hot coal was put on this prophet’s lips by an angel which cleansed him but didn’t burn him.
Never Say Die - $100 Never Say Die - $100 The oldest man in the Bible who, granted, eventually did die.
Never Say Die - $200 Never Say Die - $200 These two men never died.
Never Say Die - $300 Never Say Die - $300 Moses made this and lifted it up so that those who were dying wouldn’t die. (Just like Jesus)
Never Say Die - $400 This prophet who cried over a valley of dead men’s bones saw all those bones come back to life.
Never Say Die - $500 Never Say Die - $500 A dead man that was tossed into this prophet’s tomb came back to life.
Chapter and Versical - $100 Genesis 1-3 and / or Romans 5:12…
Chapter and Versical - $200 Jonah 1-4 (or all)
Chapter and Versical - $300 Genesis 22
Chapter and Versical - $400 Joshua 5
Chapter and Versical - $500 Judges 16
Mira-nimals - $100 Dove
Mira-nimals - $200 Raven
Mira-nimals - $300 Bears
Mira-nimals - $400 Locusts
Mira-nimals - $500 Snake and a Donkey
Water Works - $100 Rock
Water Works - $200 Jordan River
Water Works - $300 Parted Waters
Water Works - $400 Wool Fleece and Ground
Water Works - $500 Iron Axehead
Fire Works - $100 Israelites
Fire Works - $200 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Aaron, Moses’ brother Fire Works - $300
Fire Works - $400 Abraham
Fire Works - $500 Isaiah
Never Say Die - $100 Methuselah
Never Say Die - $200 Enoch and Elijah
Never Say Die - $300 Bronze Snake
Never Say Die - $400 Ezekiel
Never Say Die - $500 Elisha
Hint: Job put his hope in this miracle. (Mark your wagers as we explain how this works…)
FINAL CATEGORY The greatest event the Old Testament ever spoke of.
FINAL CATEGORY The Resurrection
Tally your totals and let’s see the winning squad of Sheperdy.