The staff Mrs Potter (Monday / Tuesday) Mrs L Pisa (Wednesday / Thursday / Friday) Miss Cornelis – Classroom Assistant
Timetable a m 9- 10am am am am pm p m pm p m Mon Into school – challenge activities and responding to marking time and Register Maths Phonics – mixed Year 1 and Year 2 groups am Assembly – 10.50am Playtime am Gymnastics or Dance in hall Lunch Guided Reading English Handwriting (on white boards) Story TuesEnglishMathsMusicHumanities Wed RE PE (no phonics) LP - PPA EnglishMaths Phonics and Handwriting in books ThursMathsEnglishTopic – SciencePSHE FriEnglishMaths 1-2pm Computer Science Mr Swithenbank (LP - PP) pm Guided Reading Art pm Year 1 Timetable – Autumn term 2015 Mon / Tues Mrs Potter Wed/Thur/Fri Mrs Pisa Miss Cornelis – General TA support full time
Essential Items Reading Book Homework and Home - School link book PE kit Uniform in accordance with the school rules Dark Blue or black coat in the winter
English Increased focus on Grammar and Punctuation School focus on spelling Writing for a reason and an audience Links to topics
Guided Reading Guided reading every day after lunch Rotation of activities so that all get to read with the teacher over the week Lots of sets of books levelled to meet the needs of the children Focus on comprehension as well as fluency Please read with your children at home – it makes a huge difference Friday mornings – Parents invited to come and read with their children
Spelling at The Weald Phonics in Year R, 1 and 2 Mixed Year 1 and Year 2 groups Daily lesson in a small group We follow Letters and Sounds Phonic work as part of Guided Reading
Maths Times tables – counting in 2s, 5s,10s Written strategies will change gradually to allow children to become confident with new methods Emphasis on correct spelling of maths vocabulary – you will see this in weekly spellings Maths will still be practical Maths will still be for a reason Problem solving and investigations
Times Tables at The Weald End of Year Expectations Year 1 – count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Homework Homework is set in line with the guidance issued by the Government. Each week Reading with an adult 5 times a week Spellings 1 piece of written maths
Edison New cross curricular scheme and planning Half termly focus on Science, History or Geography Close links to other areas of the curriculum New trips and visitors as a result Our Topics for this term.... “Hello I am new here” “Toys”
Uniform Grey skirt or trousers Black shoes School jumper or cardigan Grey socks for boys White socks or grey tights for girls Dark coloured coat and bag Weald logo polo shirt Blue summer dress for girls
PE Kit Indoor PE Shorts, school or house t-shirt, plimsolls Outdoor PE Summer Shorts, school or house t-shirt, trainers Winter Shorts or blue track suit bottoms, school/house t- shirt, Weald hooded top or jumper Spare kit is available– please wash and return after use
Fruit Fruit is provided in KS1 at break time Milk Order and pay through the Office
Rewards House points are awarded for good work and behaviour Weekly Exemplary Certificates in assembly and Class Star of the Week Termly Super Certificates Stickers
House Teams Earth, Mars, Neptune and Saturn House points collected by Captains each week and reported in Assembly
Absence Please phone the school by 8.55 am Please inform the school on subsequent days if your child is still off school Keep children away until they are clear of the symptoms of sickness/diarrhoea for 48 hours. They can still be contagious during this period. Forms available for other absence Ensure your child is in school by 8.55
Contacting the school Parents evening after half term and in the Spring Contact the school office if you would like to make an appointment to see the teacher