WHAT IS A TITLE 1 SCHOOL? Each year the Federal Government provides funding to schools that qualify based on the number of students receiving free and reduced lunches. The goal of Title 1 is to create a partnership between school and family to ensure our students reach their highest level of social and academic achievement and to overcome barriers to success. Title 1 provides additional assistance for students who show deficits in the area of reading and/or math. Student participation is based on F and P scores, IKAN/GLOSS, and teacher recommendation. Students receive instruction in smaller settings and are served by certified teachers. Cotton Indian Elementary School has not been given a school designation this year, which means we are continuing to provide a quality education to all of our students.
BENEFITS 2 Instructional Coaches- MILT and LILT 1 Parent Involvement Paraprofessional-PIP 1 Title 1 Teacher Title 1 Parent Meetings and Workshops Additional resources and technology All teachers on staff are Highly Qualified
HOW DOES OUR SCHOOL SPEND TITLE 1 FUNDING? Total funding for CIE this year was $314, Staff salaries and benefits total $263, Remaining $50, will be allocated in the following ways: * Laptops * Collaborative Planning days * Computer software-WIXIE * Staff Development Planning * Supplies for Title teachers and PIP
SCHOOL-WIDE GOALS Our school-wide goal for each student at CIE is for them to reach their fullest potential through: Standards based instruction and a focus on Content Specific Vocabulary. Implement reading and writing across the curriculum. Proficiency in number sense and math reasoning. Using student created academic goals and student-led conferences. Instill through modeling and teaching the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
READING SLO DATA (F AND P) 1 ST ADMINISTRATION K- 11% 1- 65% 2- 70% 3- 73% 4- 63% 5- 78%
MATH SLO DATA (IKAN/GLOSS) (1 ST ADMINISTRATION) K- GLOSS- 4% IKAN- 1% 1- GLOSS- 16% IKAN- 9% 2- GLOSS- 38% IKAN- 56% 3- GLOSS- 67% IKAN- 21% 4- GLOSS- 36% IKAN- 2% 5- GLOSS- 40% IKAN- 2%
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT REQUIREMENTS/OPPORTUNITIES Parent Involvement Plan School Parent Involvement Plan School-Parent Compact PTO, Mentoring, Volunteering, Title 1 Family Input Meetings, School Council, Title 1 Family Nights.
CCRPI (COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS) Cotton Indian Elementary 2012 Cotton Indian Elementary 2013 Cotton Indian Elementary 2014 Overall Score Achievement Points Progress Points Challenge Points (Special Education Population) Achievement Gap Points 894
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GOAL #1 MASTERY OF GSE * unpack standards * implement Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop * incorporate Content Specific Vocabulary into daily instruction * create Common Formative Assessments * group students based on needs * student-led conferences * learning targets-academic/personal * instructional focus time daily
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GOAL #2 BRING THE COMMUNITY INTO THE LIFE OF THE SCHOOL * Attendance data Discipline data Parent surveys Parent workshops Extracurricular Clubs Leader in Me Coffee with the Principal Volunteer opportunities BYOT
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GOAL #3 CREATE A PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND INTELLECTUALLY SAFE ENVIRONMENT o Professional learning for all staff o Variety of assessment tools o Planning with ILT’s weekly o MTSS o Continuous review of SIP o Teacher led professional learning o Mentorships for new teachers
FOCUS TEAM MTSS o MTSS o The MTSS Focus Team previews and chooses appropriate research-based interventions and monitoring tools, provides training on the interventions and tools, and sets guidelines for the Response To Intervention (RTI) process.
FOCUS TEAM DATA o Data o This team will unpack the GSE. They will lead their peers in creating assessments that are rigorous and aligned to the GSE. Discussions will take place within grade level meetings as well as with administrative staff to analyze results and align instruction based on assessment results. o Assessments include: CFA’s, SLO’s, Georgia Milestones
FOCUS TEAM LIM o Leader in Me-Lighthouse Team o The Lighthouse Team is made up of teachers among all grade levels who display a variety of talents and help coordinate the synergistic efforts of the school’s implementation of The Leader in Me. The purpose of the Lighthouse Team is to model, set vision and direction, establish pace, orchestrate school- level efforts and coach. The Lighthouse Team is constantly on the alert to involve all staff members, students, parents, and community leaders in action teams to achieve goals set for Cotton Indian Elementary.
INSTRUCTIONAL FOCUS o Instructional Focus is a dedicated time (8:00-8:30) when students receive interventions based on individual needs in academic subjects o Math and English Language Arts. o Language Arts will focus on reading skills/strategies and Phonics instruction o Math will focus on developing a strong sense of: o Number Sense o Place Value o Computation Strategies
MISSION STATEMENT Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time
VISION STATEMENT We are persistent, We are active learners, We are proactive, We are problem solvers, We are risk-takers, We are influential, We are LEADERS
ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS Beginning Learners do not yet demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need substantial academic support to be prepared for the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Developing Learners demonstrate partial proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students need additional academic support to ensure success in the next grade level or course and to be on track for college and career readiness. Proficient Learners demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are prepared for the next grade level or course and are on track for college and career readiness. Distinguished Learners demonstrate advanced proficiency in the knowledge and skills necessary at this grade level/course of learning, as specified in Georgia’s content standards. The students are well prepared for the next grade level or course and are well prepared for college and career readiness.