Alternative Energy = Renewable/Inexhaustible Energy Alternative to what? CoalOil - PetroleumNatural Gas
Renewable - we CAN REPLACE the resource (trees, leaves, food waste, manure.) They typically have a cycle.
Inexhaustible – will NOT run out (wind, sun, moving water)
Wind Energy O Energy is created when the wind turns the giant turbines. O Only generates power when the wind is blowing.
Solar Energy Solar = Sun O The suns energy is captured by the panels and converted into useable energy.
Hydroelectric Energy Hydro = Water O The energy of moving water is converted into usable energy. O Electricity is constantly generated.
Geothermal O Geo = Earth O Thermal = Heat
Biomass Energy O Bio = Life O Mass = Matter O Biomass Energy = plant and animal WASTE is used to produce biofuels (methanol, natural gas, oil).
Bioconversion O Is the change of ORGANIC materials (plant or animal waste) into useable products or energy sources.