Mathematical Modeling Mathematics Behind the Rubik’s Cube Mathematical Modeling Bihan Zhang and Trachelle McDonald C.E. Jordan High School and Pamlico High School 2008
Problem Explore the mathematics behind Rubik’s cube using simulations in VPython Explain how permutation relate to the Rubik’s cube Explain how group theory relate to the Rubik’s cube
Outline History Permutations Operations with Groups Triangle Operations Rubik’s Cube Operations Conclusion,0.jpg
Inventor: Ernö Rubik Born in Budapest, Hungary Architect Founder of Rubik Studio
History Invented by Ernő Rubik in 1974 “No arrangement of the 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube requires more than 20 moves to solve.” “The Current World Record is 7.08 Seconds.",0.jpg
Permutations “A permutation is an arrangement of objects in different orders.” 1 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 2 3 2 1
Permutations Original 1 1 2 2 3 3 Permuted t = 1 2 2 3 3 1 t (1) = 2 t (2) = 3 t (3) = 1 u = 1 3 2 1 3 2 u (1) = 3 u (2) = 1 u (3) = 2
Permutations for a Rubik’s Cube 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 3,674,160's_cube.svg/480px-Rubik's_cube.svg.png
What is a Group? A set of elements plus a binary operation A group has the following properties: Closure 1+2 = 3 Identity element 1+0 = 1 Inverse 1+(-1) = 0 Associativity 1+(2+3) = (1+2)+3 Commutative 1+2 = 2+1
Operations with Groups tx=? t(x(1))=? x(1)=1 t(1)=2 t(x(2))=? x(2)=3 t(3)=1 1 = v = t = w = u = x = 8. t(x(3))=? 9. x(3)=2 10. t(2)=3 tx=(213)=v
Operations with Groups 1 = v = t = w = u = x = xt=? x(t(1))=? t(1)=2 x(2)=3 x(t(2))=? t(2)=3 x(3)=2 8. x(t(3))=? 9. t(3)=1 10. x(1)=1 xt=(321)=w
Operations with Groups 1 = v = X 1 t u v w x t = w = u = x = tx xt
Operations with Groups 1 = v = X 1 t u v w x t = w = u = x =
Symmetry Group of Triangles Identity = Rotation
Symmetry Group of Triangles Identity = Reflection
Symmetry Group of Triangles
Symmetry Group of Triangles
Rubik’s Cube Groups F = Front B = Back R = Right U = Up D = Down L = Left
Rubik’s Cube Groups FF = = F2 FFF = = F3 FFFF = = I Singmaster Notation F = Front B = Back L = Left R =Right U = Up D = Down FFF = = F3 FFFF = = I
Our Simulation
Pretty Patterns Green Mamba RDRFrfBDrubUDD Anaconda LBBDRbFdlRdUfRRu Christmas Cross uFFUUlRFFUUFFLru
Conclusion Group theory is an integral part of the Rubik’s cube It is possible to solve a Rubik’s cube by reversing the operations done
Work Cited Christopher Goudey 2001-2003 1999-2008 Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center Joyner, David. Adventures in Group Theory. Baltimore: John Hopkins U P, 2002.
Acknowledgments Dr. Russell L. Herman Mr. David B. Glasier Mr. Nathaniel Jones Mr. Doug Mair Mr. Ernö Rubik The SVSM Staff