Unit 2-Week 1, Day 1 Theme Question: How can we protect Earth’s resources? How can we use natural resources wisely? (Wk 1) How can we discover and use new sources of energy?(Wk 2) How can we protect Earth’s plants and animals? (Wk 3) What can we do each day to help protect Earth? (Wk 4)
Earth’s Natural Resources SunlightPlants WindCoal Wateroil
Theme Vocabulary Theme vocabulary renewable nonrenewable alternative
How can we protect the Earth’s resources? Predictions:
ŌŌ and ŎŎ Sounds ŌŌŎŎ raccoonhook
Week 1, Day 2 Theme Question: How can we protect Earth’s resources? How can we use natural resources wisely? (Wk 1) How can we discover and use new sources of energy?(Wk 2) How can we protect Earth’s plants and animals? (Wk 3) What can we do each day to help protect Earth? (Wk 4)
Theme Vocabulary Theme vocabulary renewable nonrenewable alternative
Monitor Comprehension: Fix-up Strategies RereadUse images as clues Read onSeek help Adjust reading rate Summarize the information in your own words.
Reading Preview and Predict Pp Purpose Find answers to the Theme Question: How can we protect Earth’s resources? Set your own purpose.
Pros and Cons of Using Solar Power ProsCons
Week 1, Day 3 What is the theme of question? Name the three theme vocabulary words and their meanings.
Using Antonyms Synonyms are words that have opposite meanings as other words. Using antonyms helps readers relate new words to other words they might already know. Valuable Reduce Harmful Lighten Trap improve
Draw Conclusions Drawing Conclusions Clues from the Text Conclusion Air returns as fast as we use it. Trees take time to grow back.
Text Features Chapter titlesCaptions ChartsSidebars diagrams
Reading Read Pp Reread pp Purpose Think about how lists and other text features add information to the text and help you answer the Theme Question.
Noun Suffixes A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a base word. Suffixes can be added to many words.
Noun Suffixes Many nouns end in suffixes. Nouns are people, places, or things. compactor
Week 1, Day 4 What is the theme of question? Name the three theme vocabulary words and their meanings?
Monitor Comprehension: Fix-up Strategies RereadUse images as clues Read onSeek help Adjust reading rate
Reading Skim and Scan Pp Purpose Find text evidence to answer the Theme Question: How can we protect Earth’s resources?
Text Evidence How can we protect Earth’s Resources? Page Number Text Evidence
Noun Suffixes Suffix Examples -ant -ent -er -or -ist