Why we speak Spanish. By: Erika Liebel
Who was here before 1519?
Who was in Mexico before 1519?
Who was Hernán Cortés? Arrived in Mexico in 1519 Conquered Tenochtitlan Tenochtitlan Discovered Baja CaliforniaBaja California
How did Cortés get to Tenochtitlan?
Who was Francisco Vasquez de Coronado? Explored New Mexico from Explored New Mexico The Requirimiento The Requirimiento Met The Turk Searched for the 7 cities of gold :the 7 cities of gold : Quivira Cibola El Dorado
Where did Coronado go?
Who was Cabeza de Vaca?
The real Cabeza de Vaca Explored coast from Florida to Texas Transformed from a conquistador into a trader and healer. conquistador into a trader and healer.
Who was Juan de Oñate? Founded El Paso First settlement in New Mexico Camino Real Massacre at Ácoma
Where did Oñate go?
Study this picture
Answer the following questions: What do you see in this image? How would you describe the scene and the people? What do you hear or smell in this scene?
Interpret your answers: Give one piece of evidence for each answer What do you think is the approximate date of this scene? Where might this scene have taken place? What do you think is happening in this scene?
Make a hypothesis What do you think these people were feeling at the time?
The End