Freud and Falsifiability Was he even wrong?. “It just seems wrong”... In Science, you cannot reject or confirm something based on feelings or anecdotal.


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Presentation transcript:

Freud and Falsifiability Was he even wrong?

“It just seems wrong”... In Science, you cannot reject or confirm something based on feelings or anecdotal evidence. 2 Ways to Reject a Theory: ●Prove that it is wrong = falsifiable through research ●Prove it that it is untestable, too subjective, or too vague to be tested

Philosopher Karl Popper: “falsifiability”. What distinguishes science from non-science is that scientific predictions make strong claims about the world and these claims are of a sort that they could be proven wrong. Einstein, nobel prize etc. Science vs. Pseudoscience (False Science)

So, why is Freud’s work valuable? Freud’s Contributions: 1. Popularized the idea of psychology. Freud put Psychology on the map. 2. Introduced the idea of the unconscious. - Still being studied by psychologists today: Sleep and dreams ; Language and meaning, Automatic behaviours; Biases ; Subliminal messages.

Freud Response Use your notes, your experience and your parents to help answer the following questions. 1.What is it about Freud’s theories that made them so popular in the early 20 th century? 2.Based on your own experiences, do you believe any parts of his theories could be accurate? 3.How might Freud interpret your childhood in relation to who you are today? Would he have thought you “passed” all the stages?