WarmUp 09/04/14 Warm-Up Sign in to a computer and go to read and compete the warmup questions for today. Try for 100%. Open your warmup doc…we’ll discuss your answers from last class! I will pick 2 people to complete your ‘Advertise Yourself’ projects. We’ll do 2-3 each class so make sure you’ve finished!
Any PAID form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an IDENTIFIED SPONSOR Advertising
Learning Objectives History of Advertising Over the next few classes we will learn about the history of advertising. In the meantime, you will begin to do some of your own research! Go to my website: Under assignments click the link for ‘History of Advertising’. Read the first two sections, ‘Introduction & American Advertising: A Brief History’
4 Industrial Revolution – An Economic force that yielded the need for advertising. Dailies – Newspapers. Consumer Culture – A way of life centered on consumption. Branding – Manufacturers had to develop brand names so that consumers could focus their attention on a clearly identified item. Pure Food and Drug Act – Required manufacturers to list the active ingredients on their labels. Subliminal Messages – Subconscious advertising to buy things one did not want or need. Creative Revolution – Art directors and copywriters having a bigger say in the management of their agencies. Infomercial – A long advertisement that looks like a talk show. Thirty minutes in length. Interactive Media – All direct measurement of ad exposure and impact, quickly revealing those that perform well and those that do not. Terms
5 Early households were self-sufficient. Early Towns – population grew and people gathered into towns for protection. Early Commerce – people began to barter. In America, the first newspaper advertisement is said to have appeared in 1704 in the Boston Newsletter. Before 1800
6 Changed the world in many ways Introduction of the sewing machine Made mass production a possibility Dailies were sold to the masses The Industrial Revolution
7 – Advertising ushered in what has come to be known as “consumer culture.” A way of life centered on consumption. 1906 – Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act. 1920s – Prosperous times. Advertising gave people permission to enjoy life. 1930s – The Great Depression – The public saw advertising as something bad. 1940s – Radio stations rose from a few to 814. 1950s – Advertisements circulated around youth culture. 1900s
8 Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. Ads were slow to respond to the changes. Advertising portrayed women and minorities in subservient roles. The “creative revolution” emphasized turning products from science and research to art and inspiration. A time when ads promoted rebellion. 1960s
1970s 1970s marked the beginning of the feminist movement. Advertisers started to present women in “new” roles and included people of color. This period was also known as the era of self-help and selfishness. The 70s added regulation and protection of children. Most families had a television, thus the “TV dinner” was born.
10 The average American had twice as much income as his parents had at the end of WWII. Consumers had a lot of income to spend. Many ads were social-class and values conscious. Technology in television changed everything with MTV music television. Used celebrity endorsement’s to promote. The age of the infomercial. 1980s
11 Advertising was fast, and it was everywhere. Ads targeted a media-savvy audience. Concerns about the World Wide Web killing regular advertising. Interactive Media allowed direct measurement of ad exposure and impact. More ads started to appear on websites. 1990s
12 The New Millennium Ads are visual, young, and stylish. Big changes in technology and web advertising with three aspects: Interactive Wireless Broadband Consumers turned Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) automatically to record programs
Performance of Understanding Advertising History Project Get into groups of 3. (There will be 1…and only 1 group of 4) Go to Under ‘Assignments’ open ‘Advertising History Project’. Follow the directions to begin your Advertising History powerpoint. Once you’ve formed your group check in with me to select the time period you would like to research.