BACKGROUND Programme Title: The CARICOM Programme on Strengthening Capacity in the Compilation of Social/Gender and Environment Statistics and Indicators in the CARICOM Region; CARICOM 1
CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics 7-8 April 2014 Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines CARICOM 2
Outline of Presentation Status Challenges Actions to be Taken Next Steps for 2014/2015 CARICOM 3
Status The Caribbean Community Secretariat disseminated its third regional Environment Statistics Report “CARICOM Environment in Figures 2009” in October The production and dissemination of the CARICOM Environment in Figures publication is an attempt to compile Environmental Statistics. Data submitted by Member States as well as under a collaborative arrangement with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) for selected themes. CARICOM 4
Status (cont’d) Data organised under twelve (12) themes which are: Population and Households, Tourism, Environmental Health, Natural Disasters, Energy and Minerals, Land Use and Agriculture, Coastal and Marine Resources, Biodiversity, Forest, Air, Waste and Water. The latter two are compiled by UNSD. Core data sets include: the Core Environmental Indicators (including the 2008 updated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) indicators) and the Caribbean Specific Indicators for the Millennium Development Goals (CSMDGs) CARICOM 5
I - POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLDS 6 Tables PH1(a): Number of Households by Type of Dwelling PH1(b): Proportion of households with own dwelling (CSMDG) PH2: Number of Households by Type of Tenure PH3: Number of Households by Type of Material of Outer Walls PH4: Number of Households by Type of Material Used for Roofing PH5: Households by Number of Bedrooms PH6: Number of Households by Size of Household Additionally MDG 7.10 Proportion of urban population living in slums Data are usually available from the Population and Housing Census for most countries. 19 countries reported available data around year 2000; 8 countries report data around year 2010 with 5 countries submitting 2010 Population and Housing Census Data and remaining countries submitting data from Household surveys Metadata compiled from Population and Housing Census Reports CARICOM
II - TOURISM 6 Tables TOR1(a): Tourists, Cruise Ship Arrivals and Average Tourist Nights spent by Year TOR1(b): Tourism intensity rate, Tourism Density Ratio and Tourist penetration ratio TOR2: Number of Hotels classified by Number of Rooms, Beds and Rooms Occupied by Year TOR3: Visitor expenditure and Number Employed in Tourism TOR4: Tourist Arrivals by Types of Accommodation TOR5: Tourist Arrivals by Country of Origin Data Gaps filled with data from Caribbean Tourism Organisation 20 countries with available data around year 2000 and 2010; TOR2 and TOR 4 contained the most data gaps Formula for the calculation of Tourism intensity rate to be clarified Metadata compiled from Population and Housing Census Reports CARICOM
III - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 3 Tables EH1: Number of Reported Cases of Environmentally Related Diseases EH2: Number of Households by Type of Sanitation Facilities EH3: Number of Households by Type of Water Supply Additionally MDG 7.8 Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source MDG 7.9 Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility Collaboration with the CAREC to fill Data Gaps in EH1 EH1 – data was submitted by eight (8) CARICOM countries around 2010 EH 2 and EH countries with available data around year 2000 and 6 countries with data around 2010; Metadata compiled from PAHO/WHO, CDC and Population and Housing Census Reports CARICOM
IV - NATURAL DISASTERS ND1: Natural Disasters by Year Additionally: 68. Incidence of natural disasters; (CSMDG) 69. Economic losses resulting from natural disasters; (CSMDG) 70. Social dislocation resulting from natural disasters; (CSMDG) 3 Countries have not submitted data for this theme Metadata compiled from International Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms Related to Disaster Management CARICOM
V - ENERGY AND MINERALS 5 Tables EM1: Energy Consumption by type and year EM2: Number of Households by type of cooking EM3: Number of Households by type of lighting EM4: Mineral Production by Type EM5: Mineral Reserves by Type Additionally: 61. Energy use (kg oil equivalent) per $1 GDP (PPP); (MDG 2003, CSMDG) – No data available EM1 – Consumption of Primary electricity only for most countries EM2 and 3 obtained primarily from the population and Housing Census EM4 and EM5 – Few countries submit data for these indicators Metadata compiled from UN Energy Statistics: Definitions, Units of Measure, and Conversion Factors and Census Methodology CARICOM
VI – LAND USE AND AGRICULTURE 3 Tables LA1: Land Use LA2: Use of Fertilizers by Type and Year LA3: Use of Pesticides by Type and Year 2 countries submitted data on Land Use Land Use previously compiled by UNSD LA2 and LA3 – Imports to be used as a proxy for use Metadata compiled from Standard International Statistical Classification for Land Use and FAO on Use of Fertilizers and Pesticides CARICOM
VII – COASTAL AND MARINE AREAS 3 Tables MR1: Total and Protected Marine Area MR2: Fish Landings by Type MR3: Population of Coastal Area Additionally 67. Percentage of coral reefs destroyed by human activity and by natural disasters; (CSMDG) – no data available. Metadata to be reviewed. Population of Coastal areas primarily obtained from Population and Housing Census Metadata compiled from the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( ) and FAO CARICOM
VIII - BIODIVERSITY 1 Table 1. Total Territorial Area 2. Total Protected Area (terrestrial and marine) 3. Protected Area as a % of Total Territorial Area MDG 7.6 Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected (UN data) 9 countries have submitted data for this theme for years around Metadata compiled from the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( ) CARICOM
IX - FOREST 1 Table 1. Total forest area 2. Protected forest area 3. Total land area 4. Protected forest area as a % of Total forest area 5. Protected forest area as a % of Total land area 8 countries have submitted data for this theme; 5 for years around Metadata compiled from Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000) CARICOM
X - AIR 7 Tables 1. Emissions of Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) 2. Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (Nox) 3. Emissions of Non-Methane Volatile Organic Compounds (NM- VOCs) 4. Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) 5. Emissions of Methane (CH 4 ) 6. Emissions of Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) 7. Emissions of Lead (Pb) Previously compiled by UNSD 1 country submitted data for Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Limited Metadata compiled from Revised IPCC Guidelines 1996 on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories CARICOM
XI – WASTE and XII- WATER The data collection is a joint activity of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and data made available to CARICOM for its publication. 8 countries with data Data gaps significant within tables 16
Summary of Data Submitted CARICOM ThemesNumber of Tables #of Countries with data points (2000) #of Countries with data points (2010) 1. Population and Households Tourism Environmental Health Natural Disasters Energy and Minerals Land Use16 (UNSD)2 Agriculture Coastal and Marine Resources Biodiversity Forest Air73 (UNSD)1 11. Waste Water847 17
Status (cont’d) The indicators under the themes Land Use, Air, Waste and Water recorded the most data gaps. Land Use and Air previously compiled by UNSD. Data for the indicators under the theme Population and Households are usually available from the Population and Housing Census for most countries. Belize, Dominica, Jamaica, Suriname and Bermuda have continued to improve the frequency in which they are producing publications on the Environment. St. Vincent and the Grenadines published a recent report. CARICOM 18
Status (cont’d) CARICOM Secretariat supports coordination in data collection and dissemination by encouraging Member countries to convene Inter-Agency meetings. Support from an European Union funded Capacity Building relative to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries - Mission conducted in 3 countries on strengthening inter-agency coordination to fill the existing data gaps; CARICOM 19
Challenges Absence of an Environment Statistics Unit and the absence of dedicated staff working in the area of Environment Statistics at regional and national levels Lack of basic environmental statistics and indicators (or reporting of these consistently by countries) Frequency of production of indicators such as information on the housing stock and population and households Lack of support to enable engagement with stakeholders and in general to develop this area of statistics CARICOM 20
Actions to be taken Discuss the data points that were submitted by countries Review current sources of data Consider sources of data presented by Countries Recommend alternative sources where the suggested sources are not feasible / country relevant Recommend ways of filling / reducing the gaps presented Agree on a way forward
Next Steps in Environment Statistics 2014/2015 Under support from the 10th EDF, the 2014/2015 work plan would focus on: Convene Workshop in 2014 to review the work put in place and to train Member States in the compilation of Statistics and Indicators in the existing data gaps. Provide support for filling of the data gaps and the compilation of metadata in countries ; Collaborate with international and regional organisations to strengthen these areas of Environment Statistics perhaps looking at specific themes; CARICOM 22