Norfolks Working Well Conference Active Norfolk and Fit4Work
County Sports Partnership Involvement in Workplace Health initiatives Funding Background
Fit4Work Funded by DWP Challenge Fund Initially a 1 year project County-Wide
Campaign Marketing campaign promoting benefits to employers and employees Focused around physical activity
Roadshows Total of 14 Fit4Work Roadshows to take place around the County Promoting physical activity and providing opportunity on site
Activators Opportunities for Activators to be identified in businesses and organisations Support with introducing physical activity opportunities to employees Link with our existing projects Support section on our website and leader board for active organisations
Tournaments Working with Local Authorities Introduction of 7 localised tournaments for employees in each district area
Active Organisation of Year Award and recognition to be given to the most active organisations in the County at the close of the project
Costs No cost to the employer to be part of the project Negotiate some release time for Activator where possible Charges for activities to the participants will be kept to a minimum so they can be accessed by all
Corporate Games Annual event at UEA Sportspark This year- Friday 18 th June 40 organisations from around the County competing in 10 different sports Next year aiming for 60 teams…!
Shelley Starkings Project Officer