Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences: Kyle Swanson Interim Developmental Mathematics Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz
Based on research Looked at national trends and successful programs Well-known link between recruitment, retention and remediation Analysis of data here at UWM Developmental mathematics was stumbling block for too many students at UWM
For those who pass Math 090, losing about 20% in transition from Math 090 to Math 095 For those who pass Math 095, losing 20% in transition from Math 095 to credit bearing math (Math 103, Math 105, or Math 175) About 20% more never complete credit bearing math course
Credit bearing math courses will remain the same Math 103, Math 105 and Math 175 will still exist Students will be able to test directly into these courses as before Changes are only to developmental mathematics (zero-credit courses)
Basic Math (Math 090) and Beginning Algebra (Math 095) will not exist for Fall 2014 The course numbers will still exist for transfer students and on transcripts We are NOT eliminating developmental mathematics… … we are redesigning it! Two new pathways will exist: ◦ Mathematical Literacy (Math Lit) Pathway: Math 092 -> Math 102 for non-STEM ◦ Algebra Pathway: Math 098 -> Math 108 for STEM
For those who would have normally placed into Math 090, advisor must now consider math ACT subscore as well: ◦ ACT < 16 means students will take Math 094: Preparation for College Mathematics ◦ ACT ≥ 16 means students can take Math 092: ◦ Mathematical Literacy I (for non-STEM majors) OR Math 094 (STEM majors may want to take Math 094 so they can take Math 105 the second semester)
These students would have placed into Beginning Algebra but will now have a choice depending on their major/interest: ◦ Math 092: Mathematical Literacy I (for non-STEM) ◦ Math 098: Algebra I (for STEM)
Called a pathway: Math 092 -> Math 102 Students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters Designed for non-STEM majors Group work, class discussions, explaining reasoning, evaluating answers (does it make sense), spiral curriculum, college success skills integrated, taught in active learning classrooms One main instructor with 1-2 GTAs (about 18 students per instructor) Coordinator: Kelly Kohlmetz, PhD (current Math 095 coordinator)
MW or TR sections Cannot test into Math 102 Only students who complete Math 092 with C or better can take Math 102 Use one textbook for both semester One-year ALEKS license for online homework Math 092 is 0-cr. course (3 cr. for financial aid) Math 102 is 3-cr. course, which satisfies Quantitative Literacy Part A grad requirement
Called a pathway: Math 098 -> Math 108 Students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters Designed for STEM majors Mini-lectures, group work, worksheets in class, traditional curriculum, experienced lecturers will mentor 4-5 GTAs, taught with Smart-Boards Coordinator: Xianwei Van Harpen, PhD (current Math 105 coordinator)
MW or TR sections Cannot test into Math 108 Only students who complete Math 098 with C or better can take Math 108 Use one textbook for both semester One-year ALEKS license for online homework Math 098 is 0-cr. course (3 cr. for financial aid) Math 108 is 3-cr. course, which satisfies Quantitative Literacy Part A grad requirement After completing Math 108, students are eligible to take any course for which Math 105 is prerequisite (e.g. Chem 100 or Math 211)
Similar to Math 094 course now: 0-cr. but counts as 6-cr. for financial aid Students would take Math 103, Math 105 or Math 175 after completing Math 094 with C or better Similar to pathways, students will satisfy GER Quant A in two semesters Flipped classroom model where students will watch lecture BEFORE coming to class and class time will be spent working problems, class discussions, demonstrating solutions, taught with Smart-Boards, manipulatives and lots of board work Coordinator: Leah Rineck (experienced UWM combination instructor)
MWTR in classroom with F in computer lab Currently no textbook but may have study skills book One-semester ALEKS license for online homework Math 094 is 0-cr. course (6 cr. for fin. aid) After completing Math 094, students are eligible to take any course for which Math 095 is prerequisite (e.g. Math 105)
Semester 1Semester 2 Placement Level 0 (Math 090) Math ACT < 16 Preparation for College Math (Math 094) Math 103, 105 OR Math 175 PLUS Check ACT math subscore Math ACT ≥ 16 Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy I (Math 092) Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy II (Math 102) Math ACT ≥ 16 STEM Majors Preparation for College Math (Math 094) STEM Majors Math 105
Semester 1Semester 2 Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy I (Math 092) Non-STEM Majors Math Literacy II (Math 102) Placement Level 10 (Math 095) STEM Majors Algebra Literacy I (Math 098) STEM Majors Algebra Literacy II (Math 108)
Same placement as currently Students may take Math 103, Math 105, Math 175 depending on major/interest
UW-System test Practice available online with information about scoring (need developmental or not) Changed some cutoffs Only expect 200 students in Math 094 Expect 200 more students to place directly into credit-bearing math courses
Official version of the website is now live! Tab with guidelines for advisors Tabs with information about each developmental math pathway
Kyle Swanson: Chair of Dept. of Math Sci. Kelly Kohlmetz: Math Lit Pathways (092 & 102) Coordinator Xianwei Van Harpen: Algebra Pathways (098 & 108) Coordinator Leah Rineck: Preparation for College Mathematics (094) Coordinator