Career and Technology Education East Hardin Middle School Mr. Ervin
Classroom Procedures 1. Walk quietly to your assigned computer and sit down. 2. Read and follow instructions on the board. 3. Type your Do Now’s in Microsoft Word on your computer. 4. Save the Document in your student folder. 5. There will be a quiz grade on your Do Now’s at the end of the 9 weeks.
Classroom Procedures Continued 6. While completing assignments, you should remain quiet and respectful. 7. Be sure to include your first and last name; the current date; and the class period on all assignments. 8. Use the restroom before coming into the classroom; otherwise, sign out to use the hall pass. 9. Bring a pencil and notebook paper to class everyday.
Computer Etiquette 1. Ensure all computer equipment is in place and no damage has occurred to any of the equipment since the previous period. There should be a keyboard, mouse, CPU, and monitor. 2. If you find something missing or broken, notify the teacher immediately by raising your hand. 3. There is no gum, candy, drink, or food allowed in the computer area. 4. Keep the computer area clean and complete! The technology equipment is expensive and delicate, so you must use it properly. The cleanliness and working order of equipment is OUR responsibility.
Computer Etiquette Continued 5. Only use YOUR login on your computer. 6. Remain in your seat at the computer. DO NOT roll around in the chairs for ANY reason. If you need to leave the computer, raise your hand to ask for permission. 7. If you need help during a computer activity, refer to your notes or online help. If you still need assistance, raise your hand and wait to be assisted by the teacher. 8. Reading is imperative to your success in this class. It is a basic skill needed for school and daily life.
End of Class Procedures 1. About 2 minutes prior to the end of class, the teacher will ask you to stop work and begin the end of class procedures. 2. At that time: 1) save your work, 2) exit out of all programs. 3) log off, 4) ensure that the dust cover is on the keyboard, the monitor is off, and the screen cover is flipped down, 5) and clean your area of any trash. 3. Do not turn your computer off. At the end of the class, each student will click Start>Log Out to return the computer to the Log In window.
4. When your monitor displays the Log In window, you are ready to be dismissed. 5. Remember to be respectful to others: remain in your seat quietly, and wait to be dismissed. 6. When you are dismissed, exit the classroom quietly and orderly. 7. Have a FANTASTIC day! End of Class Procedures
Rules of the Classroom 1. Always be respectful of your school, yourself, and your classmates. 2. Be on time, every time. 3. Late work will be accepted 5 school days after it is due (each day will result in a 10% reduction from grade). After the 5 th day, a 0 will appear in the grade book. 4. Stay in your assigned area at all times (chairs are not a mode of transportation). 5. Be aware of your decisions and how they will affect you and others.
Consequences 1. A student who chooses to be disrespectful will first receive a verbal warning. 2. The second time, the student receives a written warning, ensuring the student and his or her parent knows of the student’s behavior. 3. The third time, the student will receive an administrator referral. 4. The “severe clause” is when a serious incident happens; the student may go directly to an administrator.
Grading Participation: 10% Daily Work: 20% Quizzes: 35% Projects:35% 1. Now is the time to be concerned about your grade. 2. Waiting until the end of the grading period is simply too late. 3. There is ample opportunity to be successful in this class.