Question Bank: Franny K. Stein #3 (The Invisible Fran) Day 1 Session 2: Personal Story Target Pages: Directions: Tell your Personal Story based on the given situation from the story. 1.Franny has all the things in her room that a mad scientist would have. Would you like to have a laboratory in your house with a lot of devices? 2.Franny suspected that even her friends would love to have a lab of their own and be devoted to mad science. Do you think your friends have the same interests as you? What are those interests? 3.Miss Shelly stood in front of the class and informed the whole class that they are going to talk about hobbies the next day. Do you know some weird or strange hobbies of some people? What are those? 4. Franny was absolutely certain that her other classmates would be interested in mad science and would forget about their hobbies. Do you want to change some of your hobbies? Why or Why not? Day 2 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 13 – 29 A. Characters Directions: Fill in the blanks with the needed information.
Character:__________________ Physical Appearance: __________________________ Personality: _____________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: _______________________________________ New Ideas:________________________ Character:__________________ Physical Appearance: __________________________ Personality: _____________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: _______________________________________ New Ideas:________________________ Character:__________________ Physical Appearance: __________________________ Personality: _____________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: _______________________________________ New Ideas:________________________ Character:__________________ Physical Appearance: __________________________ Personality: _____________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: _______________________________________ New Ideas:________________________ Character:__________________ Physical Appearance: __________________________ Personality: _____________________________________ Interests/Hobbies: _______________________________________ New Ideas:________________________
B. Issues and Solutions Directions: Identify the how the issue was solved in the story. A.Issue: Franny is thinking about what her presentation would be. The students in Miss Shelly’s class will have a presentation about their hobby. Solution: _______________________________________ B. Issue: Franny was surprised that none of her classmates have interest on mad science. Solution: _________________________________________ Day 3 Session 4: Power Reading and Power Speaking (Integrated Tasks) Target Pages: 30 – 35 A. Directions: Read the following phrases with correct pronunciation. 1. sat patiently~ 2. on the floor~ 3. in my whole class~ 4. of her various experiments~ 5. with a chameleon~ B. Directions: Read the following phrases with proper stress and pause. 1. any experiments~ 2. giant chameleon~ 3. if I could~ 4. put off~ 5. until tomorrow~
C. Directions: Read the following phrases with proper intonation and rhythm. 1. pretty cookies~ 2. dumbest hobby~ 3. for everyone~ 4. in the air~ 5. sizzling death ray~ D. Combination Learning Directions: Read the following phrases with correct pronunciation, proper stress and pause and proper intonation and rhythm. What they’re missing~ Absolutely useless~ Hobby on earth~ Grinned broadly~ Toenail fungus translator~ E. Power Speaking: Make sentences using the following phrases. From her library~ Quick glance~ Got things rolling~ Most of the night~ Way of thinking~ Day 4 Session 2: Personal Story Target Pages: 36 – 47 Directions: Tell your Personal Story based on the given situation from the story.
1.Franny sat at her desk and she felt very excited to show other children her presentation. Have you experienced to be very excited to do something? What was it? 2.Franny presented a robot to her classmates. Would it be okay if robots are around to help people in their work? Do you like that to happen? 3.Igor didn’t like to see Franny sad or depressed so he did the best things to cheer Franny up. Do your friends cheer you up when you are sad? If not, who cheers you up? Do you also try to cheer someone up when he is sad? 4.No one would like to volunteer to help Franny finish doing the robot. Would you like to do a volunteer work? What kind of work are you interested to volunteer in? Day 5 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 48 – 60 A. Infer the Scene Directions: Answer the following questions based on the given picture. Questions: 1.What kind of idea did Franny have? 2.Where is Franny? 3.What is she doing? 4.Why did she decide to be invisible?
B. Infer the Cause and Effect Directions: Identify the cause or the effect of the given situation. 1.Cause: Franny whispered commands to Erin, Phil and Lawrence. She gave them directions on what they’re going to do on the robot. Effect: _________________________________ 2. Cause: ________________________________ Effect: Franny got exhausted at the end of the day. C. Infer the Scenes: Before and Next Directions: Infer what happened before and what would happen next after the given picture. Day 6 Session 1: Summary Target Pages: 61 – 71 A. Characters Directions: Fill in the blanks with the needed information. ??
Character: Erin Interests/Hobbies: ________________________ New Ideas:________________________ Actions: ____________________________ Character: Phil Interests/Hobbies: ___________________ New Ideas:________________________ Actions: ____________________________ Character: Lawrence Interests/Hobbies: __________________ New Ideas:________________________ Actions: ____________________________ B. Issues and Solutions Directions: Identify the how the issue was solved in the story. A.Issue: Franny classroom was ruined. The walls and the others things in the classroom were destroyed. Solution: _______________________________________ B. Issue: Franny made her classmates think like mad scientists and now they created a problem. Solution: _________________________________________ Day 7 Session 4: Power Reading and Power Speaking (Integrated Tasks) Target Pages: 72 – 79 A. Directions: Read the following phrases with correct pronunciation. 1. some computations~ 2. on the robot’s blueprint~ 3. extra work~ 4. during the night~ 5. new rampage~
B. Directions: Read the following phrases with proper stress and pause. 1. twice as smart~ 2. regular robot~ 3. twice as stupid~ 4. easier to stop~ 5. my backpack~ C. Directions: Read the following phrases with proper intonation and rhythm. 1. of her invisibility~ 3. to sound optimistic~ 4. from their sight~ 5. most monstrous~ D. Combination Learning Directions: Read the following phrases with correct pronunciation, proper stress and pause and proper intonation and rhythm. Horribly destructive~ Scientific mind~ Figure them out~ Pure stupidness~ No good reason~ E. Power Speaking: Make sentences using the following phrases. Pure-stupid creature~ On which the robot~ In addition~ From the ceiling~ Down the walls~
Day 8 Session 3: Infer the Next Scene Target Pages: 80 – 101 A. Infer the Scene Directions: Answer the following questions based on the given picture. B. Infer the Cause and Effect Directions: Identify the cause or the effect of the given situation. 1.Cause: Franny had flipped the switch which was not wired to turn off the robot. Effect: _________________________________ 2. Cause: ________________________________ Effect: Franny told her friends that what they need is a philatelist. Questions: 1.Where is Franny? 2.Why did she go to that place? 3.What is the robot doing? 4.What will Franny do to destroy the robot?
C. Infer the Scenes: Before and Next Directions: Infer what happened before and what would happen next after the given picture. ??