The Flipped Classroom Marc
Where are we as educators?
…and where do we WANT to be?
What is the Flipped Classroom? What is the best use of your face to face time with your students?
Flipped Class 101
Flipped Class Video
Does this look familiar?
Flexible Learning Environments
Myths and Misconceptions Flipped Classrooms require video for instruction
Myths and Misconceptions Everyone has to have a computer and Internet connection at home
Myths and Misconceptions Flipped Classroom propagates bad teaching Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums
How to get beyond the traditional flip Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering
Bloom’s Taxonomy (by Lorin Anderson) Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understandi ng Remember ing
Focus on Learning not Grades Standards-based grading Problem-based learning Student driven assignments Differentiation
Shift the Mindset If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. o Anthony Robbins
It’s All About the Collaboration Teacher-Teacher Student-Student Teacher-Student Administrator-Teacher
For the Administrators Encouragement Time o To collaborate o To develop new activities Resources Connections Model it! o Flipped PD o Flipped Meetings
Observation forms were not written for this
Resources Flipped Learning Network o Cybraryman’s Flipped Classroom Page o Flipped PD—Kristen Daniels o Twitter--#flipclass