Acquisition Strategy Under the laws of the State of Colorado Commercial acquisition practices to be utilized
Acquisition Strategy UCAR will be responsible for issuing all contract documents
Acquisition Strategy Commercial Contract Please provide a copy of standard commercial contract for review
Acquisition Strategy Review and negotiate –Commercial provisions –Data rights review –Delivery requirements
Acquisition Strategy Vendor innovation Scientific community involvement NCAR experience NSF oversight
Acquisition Policy UCAR internal policies and procedures Flow down clauses from NSF Cooperative Agreement FAR 12 used as a guide or tool
Scientific Community Workshop Meeting to be held in April, 1999 Trade-offs of Minimum Requirements Rough draft of HIAPER Requirements Document
HIAPER Requirements Document (HRD) The HRD will be developed utilizing the following: Previous studies Previous surveys RFI responses
HRD, Continued Results of the Vendors’ Conference Scientific Community Workshop
Commercial Aircraft Integrated Product Team (CAIPT)
CAIPT CAIPT has been requested to serve on the HIAPER team to act as consultants to provide assistance and advice. CAIPT has extensive experience in commercial aircraft acquisition and honored with the Vice Presidential Hammer Award.
CAIPT Role Project management expertise Pre-award schedule Assist in identifying operational requirements (HRD)
CAIPT Role Aircraft acquisition assistance –Identify candidate aircraft –Refine procurement strategy –Proposal Evaluation Plan –Request for Proposal –Proposal evaluation
CAIPT Role Aircraft acquisition assistance continued –Contract administration –Aircraft certification –Aircraft acceptance
CAIPT Role Assistance in preparation for operations –Identify staff training –Aircraft maintenance programs –Technical manual requirements
PEP Proposal evaluation will be in accordance with UCAR Contracts Office policies and guidelines which are in compliance with the NSF Cooperative Agreement and applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars
PEP Proposal evaluation will be conducted at the UCAR facility Utilization of acquisition streamlining initiatives will be used when appropriate
PEP Proposal evaluation team will be comprised as follows: –Proposal Evaluation Authority –Advisor to the Proposal Evaluation Authority –Proposal Evaluation Team Co-Chairmen –Contracts –Project Manager Business Team Technical Team
PEP Past performance –Offeror supplied information –FAA audits Production certificate Repair station license Alteration station license –Two-year delivery history (actual vs. Contracted dates)
PEP Evaluation approach 1 - Proposals will be rated as : Plus--proposal exceeds minimum requirement Check--proposal meets the minimum requirement Minus--proposal does not meet the minimum requirement
PEP Evaluation approach 2 - Document Strengths, Weaknesses and Risks by: EXCEPTIONAL--Exceeds, No Significant Weaknesses ACCEPTABLE--Meets, Weaknesses Easily Corrected MARGINAL--Fails to Meet, Significant Deficiencies Correctable UNACCEPTABLE--Fails to Meet and Deficiency Uncorrectable
PEP Evaluation approach 3 - Risk Assessment--Disruption of Schedule, Increase in Cost, Degradation of Performance HIGH--Likely to cause MODERATE--Potentially could cause LOW--Little Potential to cause
PEP Evaluation approach 4 - Cost REALISM--Compatible with delivered product REASONABLENESS--Estimating Methodology COMPLETENESS--Responsiveness to RFP Anticipate Adequate Price Competition, therefore, Certified Cost or Pricing Data will not be required.
Pre-Award Schedule Important dates –Draft PEP2/28/99 –Preliminary draft HRD3/31/99 –Scientific Community Workshop4/28/99 –Draft HRD5/12/99 –Draft RFP6/10/99 –Configuration visits7/1/99 - 7/21/99 –Finalize PEP8/4/99 –Issue RFP9/3/99
Pre-Award Schedule Important dates, continued –Request past performance data 9/6/99 –Receive past performance data10/6/99 –Receive proposals10/8/99 –Oral presentations 10/15/99-12/14/99 –Request BAFO2/4/00 –Receive BAFO2/21/00 –Contract award4/11/00 –Debrief non-awardees4/19/00