Welcome to Ms. Woods’ 7 th Grade Math My My classroom phone number is
Bell Work Covers concepts previously learned. Reminds students of concepts needed for current lesson.
Lessons Focus on one TEK a week with supporting others. (They are on my webpage)
Homework Assigned almost daily. Will be reflected on HAC 1- the assignment was completed 0-the assignment was not completed PROOF OF COMPLETED HOMEWORK IS REQUIRED TO REASSES
Quizzes Taken weekly and timed. Review concepts found in homework. Will be put into the gradebook as a Minor Summative Cannot reassess- will be reassessed on the following major
Test/Projects/Common Assessments These will be recorded as Major Summatives in the gradebook. Students can come in for tutoring to retake common assessment after completing remediation. (10 day window) Reassessment days will be announced
Flipped Videos (Regular) Each time I introduce a new topic, there will be a video posted to Edmodo that reviews this topic prior to the lesson. Students can watch these videos to get a “head start” on the next concept or go back and review the videos later for help at home. Watching these videos will give your child a significant advantage when tackling homework.
Flipped Videos (Advanced) Advanced Math is a flipped classroom Students will be assigned a video that teaches a concept as homework and then we will complete the homework assignments in class. If your student does not watch the videos, he or she will be at a disadvantage in class.
Math Resources Tutoring with me: Monday & Tuesday 3:20-4:00 Friday 7:45-8:15 Retesting Wednesady 3:20-4:00 Thursday 7:45-8:15 My website Edmodo Instagram and
Technology We use technology at least once per week. It allows students to receive immediate feedback. Teaches students appropriate use of technology. Prepares students for a future that is filled with technology Levels the playing field for less fortunate students.
How Can You Help? Check HAC often Look at my calendar and ask about what is being taught. Require your student to complete homework on time Discuss the Quizzes