CITS2232 DATABASES Associate Professor David Glance
Distributed Flipped Class Databases will be run as a “flipped-classroom” Lectures will be replaced by online videos, quizzes and exercises Content is from Professor Jennifer Widom, Stanford University Course has previously run as a MOOC on Coursera and Class2Go Face-2-Face time will be in form of tutorials and labs Labs, project and exams will remain
Amazon Web Services Labs and projects will utilise Amazon Web Services Interface will be qwikLABs Own private “cloud”
Timetable 1 Lecture Tutorials each week starting next week 1 2 hour Lab starting week 3 4 weeks for project in groups of 3 – 4 students You are expected to watch videos, do the quizzes and interactive exercises You are encouraged to participate in the forums
Intro to Databases MOOC The database course will be offered to the public You are encouraged to participate in the forum and help with questions or discussion There will be small prize for the person who is the most helpful and most active on the forum
Research Evaluation of the use of MOOC content from Stanford University and use for flipped classroom Ensure that this meets educational standards Meets student needs Evaluate the technologies used Two surveys Entirely Voluntary You are not obliged to fill in the survey. Either leave the room or hand in blank. Absolutely no impact on your participation in this unit, assessment or other forms of involvement Anonymous
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