Welcome to English 98 in the Communication Learning Center
The Communication Learning Center (The CLC) ◦Is located in Building 5 Rm 113 ◦Offers the following courses: English 93/Independent Study Skills English 95/Reading Lab English 104/Grammar and Punctuation English 152/Reading Rate Improvement
English 98 How many credits are you registered for? Most students are registered in the core program for 5 credits. Returning students may be registered for fewer credits. Supplemental students are usually registered for 1-2 credits. English 104 students are registered for 3 credits.
English 98 What materials do you need for English 98? English 98 packet Novel to read and journal for credit 5 Notebook paper for 3-ring binder Three ring binder for packet and journal USB drive—it’s handy for working at home and on the computers available in the CLC
English 98 How does this class work? This class is self-paced, which means you will work independently. Come daily at your assigned time so that you can complete the credits you have registered for. When you have finished a step or have a question, put your name on the board to see an instructor. Please don’t raise your hand because the instructor may not see you. You must stop when a signature is required and meet with an instructor before continuing. If you must wait to see an instructor, review your work or read your novel while you wait. Check your specific program to determine how much work may be completed on any one day.
English 98 What will you do to earn each credit? Credit 1– write a descriptive paragraph Credit 2– write two descriptive paragraphs Credit 3– write an assessment paragraph, a summary, and a response Credit 4– write a narrative essay Credit 5– write an essay based on the novel you read and your journals
English 98 How will your attendance and effort affect your success in English 98? Please sign in on the attendance computer. Credit completion = usually 10 hours (2 weeks) of in-class time, so pace yourself Plan or revise your writing at home to stay on track for credit completion. At least three times a week, read your novel for minutes and write in your journal as homework. Plan to complete your novel and journal around the 9 th or 10 th week of the quarter (before Credit 5), so you can use them in your Credit 5 essay.
English 98 How does the CLC grading work? If you’re enrolled in a 90-level course, you will receive a Pass (P) for the number of credits you complete. These credits do not affect your GPA, but they DO count for financial aid. English 104 credits are graded and transferrable. You may enroll in up to 10 credits in the CLC per quarter, and you may take this class up to three times.
English 98 When is CLC open and what is the phone number? Lab Hours: 7:30 am—2:00 pm Lab Phone: Please silence your cell phone. If you must answer your phone, take the call in the hall. Avoid text messaging, these distractions slow your progress and credit completion. Ask your instructor about iPods and other listening devices.
English 98 What should you register for next quarter? After midterm, one of the following recommendations will be made: More English 98 practice English 99—to do so you must complete at least 3 credits English 101—to do so you need to complete at least 4 credits Moving to the next level is not entirely based on credit completion.
English 98 We look forward to working with you to improve your writing for all your college courses.
English 98 So how do I get started? If you are a returning student, please tell your instructor. If you are a new student, for the rest of today and over the next few days, you will do the following: Complete a Learning Skills Inventory. Write a paragraph. Meet with your instructor for a conference. During your conference, your instructor will review your program and answer any additional questions you may have. Take a 12 minute vocabulary test. At the end of the first week, you will begin your individualized program.