Sandrine Thomas (T&S Project Scientist) & Telescope and Site Team
Telescope and Site Subsystem 2 TMA (EA) TMA (EA) Hexapods (Moog/CSA) Hexapods (Moog/CSA) M1M3 (SOML) M1M3 (SOML) M1M3 Mirror Cell (TBD) M1M3 Mirror Cell (TBD) M2 (Harris) M2 (Harris) Dome (EIE) Dome (EIE) Summit A&E Construction ( Arcadis/Besalco) Summit A&E Construction ( Arcadis/Besalco) Base Construction (TBD) Base Construction (TBD) Auxiliary Telescope and Calibration Coating Plant (TBD) Active optics System Software
Schedule Summit Construction Dome Construction Mount Construction Dome Integration M1M3 Cell Weldment Mount Factory Test Mount Integration Telescope Integration M1M3 Assy Ship to Chile Telescope On-Sky Testing Summit Construction Dome Design Mount Design Dome Integration Coating Plant Design Mount Integration Telescope Integration On Summit Coatings Telescope ComCam On-Sky Testing M1M3 Cell Hardware M1M3 Assy Optical Testing M2 Cell Assy Design Mount Fabrication Dome Fabrication Mount Factory Test M2 Cell Assy Fabrication M2 Cell Assy Optical Testing M2 Assy Ship to Chile Calypso Refurbishment Calibration Instrument Fab Calibration Instrument Test Coating Plant Construction Breakout: Monday 11am-12:30pm
Summit Facility Status 4 January 2015: Contract for construction was initiated with Besalco Construcciones (Chilean) Major excavation is now almost complete – after major remediation of subsurface rock/soil conditions under the building. Initial foundation work and raising of columns is in progress. Major equipment approved for purchase – electrical transformer, generator, cranes. Structural steel fabrication subcontract initiated. Work force of over 50 on site daily
Base Facility Status 5 May 2015: Requirements for Base Facility in La Serena Chile were finalized with input from Data Management team. Cooperation in project with AURA and NOAO-S was formalized. Requirements for Data Center were defined by DM and T&S teams. July 1 st : Request for Proposals for Architectural and Engineering Services was issued, proposals received. Recommendation of committee has been forwarded for approval. September 2015: Anticipate start of design of Base Facility ~ October 2016 Anticipate start of construction Design concept layout from one of the Proposals
Dome Status 6 May 2015: Design-Build Contract with European Industrial Engineering (EIE) was signed May 27-28: Kick-off meeting was held at EIE offices in Mestre, Italy Early emphasis was placed on interface to building (already in construction!) and definition of major subsystems. Early progress has included: Verification of mass budget for dome. Initial finite element analysis. Definition of mounting plates and anchor bolts to lower enclosure. Location and sizing of drive units and bogies. Breakout: Monday 1:30pm-3pm
7 Telescope Mount Assembly (TMA): Preliminary Design Design Contractor: Empresarios Agrupados (Madrid Spain) Fabricator: Asturfeito (Asturias, Spain) LSST Telescope and Site Manager: Shawn Callahan (Tucson, Az) Dynamic performance meets all TMA requirements. YearMilestoneDate 2015Preliminary Design Review 80% completion September 28-October Final Design review by subsystems October 30 – December Azimuth track and concrete pier complete April All TMA components ready for installation December Factory testing reviewMarch All hardware delivered to port July TMA assembled at siteMay TMA testing complete on site July 15 Breakout: Monday 1:30pm-3pm
M1M3 Acceptance (April 10th 2015) 8 More information here: Collection-3272,Document Breakout: Tuesday 11am-12:30pm SOML -Interferometric measurements done by SOML: surface uniformity and figure accuracy for both M1 and M3 meet or exceed requirements. -Position of M1 relative to M3 within tolerance -Radii of curvature, conic constants ….. are within tolerance. -Existence of small additional residuals: studies show a negligible scientific impact.
9 M1M3 Mirror Storage in Tucson Plan to visit/inspect mirror every months May July Arrival at Storage Facility Final Placement of the mirror container Last Inspection at Storage Facility
M1M3 Acceptance (April 10th 2015) : Before Shipping to Chile, M1M3 + cell+mirror support system will be tested at SOML with the same interferometric testing configuration SOML -Interferometric measurements done by SOML: surface uniformity and figure accuracy for both M1 and M3 meet or exceed requirements. -Position of M1 relative to M3 within tolerance -Radii of curvature, conic constants ….. are within tolerance. -Existence of small additional residuals: studies show a negligible scientific impact. More information here: Collection-3272,Document Breakout: Tuesday 11am-12:30pm
M1M3 on Telescope 11 Location of the M1M3 Cell and Mirror on the Telescope
Mirror supported on Cell 12 Mirror Wt: ~17000 kg Total Wt (Mirror + Cell + Internals): ~53000 kg Key systems: Gravity support and figure control force actuators: pneumatic support actuators Hardpoint Struts to locate mirror Thermal control via cooling air injection into mirror cores Breakout: Tuesday 11am-12:30pm July: RFP sent out August 14 th : received answers October: anticipates answers to the vendors
Mirror M2 13 Before shipping of the M2 mirror to Chile, the M2 mirror cell assembly (mirror+cell+mirror support system) will be tested in Rochester NY in the downward orientation, the same configuration used during ion figuring. Breakout: Tuesday 11am-12:30pm Sept 2017: Expected completion by Exelis
Hexapods & Rotator Status Aug 11 th -12 th 2015: Interim Mechanical Review conducted (equivalent to critical design review) with no significant issues determined. Late 2016: Systems scheduled for completion 14 Breakout: Monday 1:30pm-3pm Flexure End Joints Strut Designed for M2 & Camera Hexapod
Coating Plant Design Review 15 June 29 th 2015: Coating Plant Design Review held Review covered baseline designs of the cleaning and stripping equipment and the magnetron coating chamber. Requirement on the coating (both Aluminum and Silver) July 2015: Coating Plant System RFP. A good variety of vendors expressed interest in the project. Sept. 11 th 2015: Vendor proposals are due January 2016: Expect contract award. Breakout: Monday 1:30pm-3pm Collection-2458 in Docushare
T & S Software Status Integration status: – SAL software utilized successfully in CCS, DMCS and OCS communications tests. – OCS Sequencer updated to latest device state model, as well as commanding and scripting. – ICD conformant interface simulators for major subsystems developed. – XML schemas developed for SAL and OCS. – LSE-70 and LSE-209 communications documents updated and to be submitted to CCB 16
T & S Software Status 17 Breakout: Tuesday 1:30pm-3pm 17 OCS Scheduler – Scheduler requirements document delivered. – OPSIM and Scheduler redesign of development achieved. TCS status: – Development planning in progress. – SAL software delivered to contractors of Mount, Dome, Hexapod/Rotator, M2. – Vendor ICDs updated to integration agreed model. – 3 Inner Loop Controller test stands completed. 17
18 LSST Active Optics & Wavefront Sensing 18 LSST Active Optics System (AOS): Maintain system alignment Maintain surface figure on three mirrors Challenges: 61% Central Obstruction f/1.23 Off-axis Distortion & Vignetting(~1.7 o ) Field Dependence (covering 1.51° to 1.84°) Degrees Of Freedom controlled by AOS M2 hexapod rigid body positions Camera hexapod rigid body positions M1M3 bending modes M2 bending modes Degrees Of Freedom controlled by AOS M2 hexapod rigid body positions Camera hexapod rigid body positions M1M3 bending modes M2 bending modes
AOS status and next steps Publication of the update to the basic curvature sensing algorithm by Bo Xin (large central obscuration, small f/number, distortion and vignetting) Working on the Active Optics System requirements document – Wavefront Estimation Pipeline (WEP) part of WBS 4.7 – Active Optics Control System (AOCS) part of WBS 4.11 WEP: 100% successfully translated from Matlab to Python Start engaging work with the DM subsystem to incorporate optimization of the WEP in the DM framework. AOCS: algorithm is written in Matlab to be translated into Labview Include the telescope models and use PhoSim to built the look-up-table (temperature, elevation and azimuthal angle). Final delivery is scheduled for the end of Oct Breakout: Tuesday 11am-12:30am
Calibration Effort 20 New Hire: Patrick Ingraham – Calibration Hardware Scientist – Leading calibration hardware development with Chuck Claver Recent Calibration Re-planning Auxiliary Telescope (Calypso) Refurbishment expected to start in October 2015 Modification to the spectrograph design to offer increased cadence, versatility, flexibility Developing a Collimated Beam Projector (CBP): Will map transmission as a function of field position, pupil position and wavelength Breakout: Wednesday 9am-10:30am
Integration sequence in phase with subsystems delivery Integration and Test Plan (LTS-104) describes the general strategy, includes the integration and test sequence and provides a summary for all major key activities. Three Major Phases: Phase 1 (P1): Heavy Construction Phase 2 (P2): Mirrors Coating and Integration Phase 3 (P3): Alignment Phase START END P1 P2 P3 Breakout: Tuesday 3:30pm-5pm
Conclusion 22 It’s been a busy year with among others: – Start of construction – M1M3 acceptance and transportation to storage – Lots of new hires Next: – Final contracts being awarded – Calibration Hill getting more active – Integration Plans – Operation Plans We will use more actively the documentation Control
We’re heading south no matter the obstacles… 23