Distance Education Definition There are many definitions. Take your pick! A quick Google search includes: Educational situation in which the instructor and students are separated by time, location, or both. Education or training courses are delivered to remote locations via synchronous or asynchronous means of instruction, including written correspondence, text, graphics, audio- and videotape, CD-ROM, online learning, audio- and videoconferencing, interactive TV, and facsimile. Distance learning does not preclude the use of the traditional classroom. At its most basic level, distance education is an educational delivery that does not physically limit the students to the same geographic location as the instructor or other classmates. Technology such as voice, video, audio and print, perhaps in concert with face-to-face communication, is used to bridge the gap. Today, technology is used to make new approaches to the teaching and learning processes possible. Bob Evans defines this way: Human communication which takes place, either synchronously or asynchronously, across time and/or space
Synchronous Distance Education Definition: Learning activities taking place in real time. syn·chro·nous (sîng¹kre-nes, sîn¹-) adjective 1. Occurring or existing at the same time. See synonyms at contemporary. 2. Moving or operating at the same rate. 3. a. Having identical periods. b. Having identical period and phase. [From Late Latin synchronus, from Greek sunkhronos : sun-, syn- + khronos, time.] — syn¹chro·nous·ly adverb — syn¹chro·nous·ness noun The American Heritage« Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright ⌐ 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation. All rights reserved.
Asynchronous Distance Education Definition: Learning activities taking place outside of real time. a·syn·chro·nism (â-sîng¹kre-nîz´em) or a·syn·chron·y (-kre-nê) noun Lack of temporal concurrence; absence of synchronism. — a·syn¹chro·nous (-nes) adjective — a·syn¹chro·nous·ly adverb The American Heritage« Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright ⌐ 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation. All rights reserved.
Core Technologies Video Videoconferencing, Streaming video, Closed Circuit TV, DVD/VHS Media Audio Telephone, Streaming audio, MP3, Radio Text , Instant Messaging (IM), Textbooks, Web sites Data Remote control of, or access to, computer programs
Video Live One-way Video Internet based, H.323, Satellite Videoconferencing (Two-way or Multi-way) What is it? Delivery methods IP/H.323, ISDN, CABLE/DSL, Satellite Technologies MCU, Polycom, Macromedia Breeze, Netmeeting, GrooveMacromedia Breeze Implementations P2P, Group, Text+Data+Video Combinations Video lecture, video demonstrations Polycom Remote Control Camera Demo
Audio Live One-Way Audio Internet Streaming, Radio Audioconferncing (Two-way or Multi-way) What is it? Delivery methods Telephone, Cell Phone, Satellite, IP based Technologies Streaming Media Server, Polycom, Netmeeting, Web- phone, Macromedia Breeze, Groove Implementations P2P, Group, Audio+Data+Video+Text Deliver a lecture to multiple students from web page
Text Live One-Way Text Moderated Instant Messaging (“text broadcast”) Two-way or Multi-way Text Instant Messaging (Internet) Technologies IRC, AOL IM, MSN Messenger, MS NetMeeting, WebCT, Macromedia Breeze, Groove Implementations P2P, Group, Synchronous Web Browsing, etc. Online office hours
Data Live access to computer programs through a network Remote control software (application sharing) Software that gives the learner access to networked games, puzzles, problems, simulations, office productivity programs, research & analysis programs Technologies Terminal Services, Netmeeting, Taskstream, Web Sites, Xbox, PS/2, Groove Implementations P2P & Group Co-create a document, Demonstrate a program Netmeeting Desktop Sharing Demo
Video Pre-recorded One-way Video Internet based, H.323, TV, Satellite Technologies Tegrity, Mediasite, PowerPoint Producer, Panasonic E- Wear camera, DVD Recorder, Streaming video server, Webcam Implementations P2P, Group Stream a pre-recorded lecture from a web page, demonstrate lab activities E-Wear Video Demo, Tegrity DemoDemo
Audio Pre-recorded One-way Audio Internet based, H.323, TV, Satellite, MP3, Audio CD, Cassette Tape Technologies Tegrity, Mediasite, PowerPoint Producer, Panasonic E-Wear Camera, Digital Voice Recorder, Streaming Audio Servers Implementations P2P, Group Student teachers + elementary students work together, provide recorded lectures on a web site E-Wear Audio Demo
Text Pre-written content Web pages, BLOGs, E-books, Online Survey Systems, Handheld devices, Textbooks, Bulletin Boards, Courseware Technologies IIS, Content Management System, FrontPage, Dreamweaver, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, TabletPC, PocketPC, Rocket e-book, WebCT Implementations P2P & Group Online Syllabus and Class Notes, Online journaling, Surveys and Feedback Online Survey System DemoDemo
Data Independent access to computer programs through a network Remote control software that gives the learner independent access to: educational games, puzzles, problems, simulations, office productivity programs, research & analysis programs Technologies Web sites (Application Service Providers), Terminal services, Netmeeting, Taskstream, Camtasia, DACS Implementations Can be provided to individuals or groups Run programs and perform work independently outside of class Outlook FAQ Camtasia Demo, DACS DemoDemo